Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland (2021) The Student Survey in German...
„Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland” (2021) ist eine neu konzipierte Studie, die drei bisher separat durchgeführte Studierendenbefragungen integriert (Beuße et al., 2022):... -
Educational development in international comparison
Focus of this study is the data of the educational system, collected in different European countries. Mainly there is information about the pupils’ number in primary schools,... -
Age-specific attendance rate at education in the Federal Republic of Germany ...
The concept of the ‘age-specific attendance rates’ is used in this study as indicator for the population’s attendance at education. This indicator eliminates the effects of... -
The rise of medical professions in the 19th century.
Claudia Huerkamp untersucht in ihrer Arbeit die Anfänge des Professionalisierungsprozesses der Ärzteschaft in Deutschland. Sie sieht die Weichenstellung für diesen Prozess... -
Students´ intentions to use wikis in higher education
Einstellung zur Nutzung von Wikis im Studium. Themen: Einstellung zu Wikis (Skala: z.B. Vereinbarkeit mit der Arbeits- bzw. Lernsituation, Nutzungseffekt und Einschätzung der... -
BIBB Transition Study 2011
Educational pathways of young adults, career biography, school achievement, choice of school, choice of occupation, family background, young people´s application behaviour,... -
German Internet Panel, Wave 20 (November 2015)
The German Internet Panel (GIP) is an infrastructure project. The GIP serves to collect data about individual attitudes and preferences which are relevant for political and... -
Graduates of Special Schools 1990
Occupational and personality development of highly gifted young people, who have completed special school support facilities. Topics: High school graduation completed ahead of... -
Prerequisites for Artistic Interests, Abilities and Occupation 1986
Development conditions for artistic interests, capabilities and achievement of young people and the decision for an artistic occupation. Topics: Evaluation of education... -
Students (Male and Female) 1990
Living conditions, attitudes to life and future expectations of students at the time of the political turning point. Topics: Preferred leisure activities and frequencies... -
Students Interval Study Achievement, SIL-EX 1984
Reasons, factors and conditions of prematurely leaving GDR college studies depending on personality development of students prematurely discontinuing studies. Topics: Moral... -
Student Interval Study Achievement Junior Cadre Studies Leadership (NWK-Lead...
Development of leader readiness and leader capabilities among students with particularly strong achievements and capable of leadership activities. Topics: Education path to high... -
Students Interval Study Achievement - Highly-Qualified Students, SIL-WISS 1986
Personality structure and conditions of high study achievements among highly-qualified college students. Topics: Moral orientations; technical commitment before start of course... -
Student Interval Study: Achievement 1982 to 1988, SIL A
Development of achievement habits of college students in the course of studies. In particular: personality case history, study prerequisites and expectations. Topics: Primary... -
Students Interval Study 1970 to 1985, SIS 4
Topics: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung sozialistischer StudentInnen, politisch-ideologische Einstellungen, Erwartungen an das Studium. Themen: Bogen Erwartungen: Charakteristik der... -
Students Interval Study 1970 to 1985, SIS 2
Topics: Questionnaire political-ideological attitudes and others: studies - opinions about, first names for and attitudes to; willingness to make an effort, certainty in regard... -
On the Social Origins of Applicants to Technical Colleges 1984
Occupation qualification and paths of education of parents of applicants to college. Topics: Form of studies; technical college; subject area; sex; path of education; occupation... -
On the Social Origins of College Applicants 1984
Occupation qualification and paths of education of parents of college applicants. Topics: College; subject area; sex; path of education; occupation learned and exercised; number... -
Cologne Economics and Social Science Students in the Winter Semester 1965/66
Demography of Cologne students of the Economics and Social Science Faculty. Evaluation of records of the university office. Topics: Regional and social origins; subject area;... -
Student, University, Politics (FU Berlin)
Influence of the special constitution of the Free University, ´Berlin Model ll´ and the special situation of the city on the political consciousness of students. Topics: Social...