Muon spin rotation study on Pr2T3Ge5 (T = Rh and Pd)
Recently we have investigated Pr2Pd3Ge5 and Pr2Rh3Ge5 compounds which form in the orthorhombic structure. Pr2Pd3Ge5 exhibits two magnetic transitions at TN1 = 7.5 K and TN2 =... -
Muon probed level crossing resonance in a Holmium polyoxometallate single ion...
The magnetic properties of a Holmium single ion magnetic system will be studied using implanted muons. The system is based on a polyoxometallate cluster ion that provides good... -
Spin Rotation Experiments at a Pulsed Muon Source using Broadband RF Pulses
In this proposal we wish to explore how the RF-uSR technique might be developed for measurements akin to FT-NMR. Our work will focus on the broadband excitation of paramagnetic... -
Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni2TCNQ, Ni(TCNQ)2 and related materials
Amorphous molecular magnetic materials Ni2(OA) (OA:organic acceptor) were reported to exhibit ferromagnetism with Curie temperatures >400K. This work is controversial as it... -
Muon radicals in the metastable phases of Sulphur
Following our investigation of alpha-orthorhombic sulphur, we will measure level crossing spectra of some other allotropes and phases, to find if the muon radical observed in... -
Muon spin-relaxation probe of chiral spin-liquid state in YBaCo4O7
Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets RBa(Co/Fe)4O7 (R=rare earth or Y) exhibit a weak ferromagnetic component in the high-temperature spin-liquid phase. Based on a symmetry... -
Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni(TCNQ)2
Molecular ferromagnets offer great potential as they are synthesized at low temperatures and offer the possibility functionalization. Ni(TCNQ)2 is such a molecular ferromagnet,... -
Muon spin rotation study of LixFeyAs and NaFeAs superconductors
We will examine the magnetic and superconducting properties of these two novel superconducting systems using muon spin rotation and relaxation experiments. Stoichiometric LiFeAs... -
Valence Bond Glass Formation as a function of temperature and composition in ...
We request three days of beamtime on HRPD to study the crystallographic structures of six compounds containing a (distorted) frustrated antiferromagnetic lattice of Mo5+, 4d1... -
Muon states in black phosphorus
Our recent experiment showed that muons implanted into black phosphorus (the most stable allotrope of the element, with a low band gap of 0.3eV) are apparently diamagnetic, with... -
Muon Spectroscopy and Artificial Hydrogenases (RB920382)
The reversible interconversion of protons and dihydrogen is an electrochemical process of fundamental importance to a hydrogen economy. The process requires catalysis to proceed... -
Muon Spin Resonance investigations on two quantum critical points in CeFeAs1-...
Recently, it has been reported that CeFeAsO belongs to orthorhombic structure where both Fe and Ce moments order antiferromagnetically around 140K and 4K, respectively, whereas... -
Muon States in Nanostructured Carbonaceous Materials
This experiment proposes the continuation of a study, initiated at J-PARC, on a new type of activated carbon material, with a pore structure and chemistry "tunable" in a manner... -
Muon Spin Depolarization Study of Magnetism in Mn-doped ZnGeP2
We propose a MuSR study of the magnetism in Mn-doped ZnGeP2 during this round of experiments using muon spin depolarization measurements in a longitudinal magnetic field. This... -
Muon spin relaxation studies of KTCNQ and related compounds
Potassium tetracyanoquinodimenthane (KTCNQ) undergoes a spin-Peierls (SP) transition at 396K where a transformation from uniform to dimerised TCNQ- molecules in 1D columns... -
Muon spin dynamics in ZnSe
We intend to detail the muonium dynamics and investigate the interaction with charge carriers in n-type ZnSe. A doped ZnSe sample (resistivity=10^4 Ohm.cm, n=10^13 cm^-3) is... -
Muon Spin Relaxation and ALC Resonance in Magnetic and non-Magnetic Oxalate S...
Repolarisation and level crossing resonance will be studied for several different oxalate compounds where muon radical states are known to be formed. Such compounds form a... -
Muon spin rotation study on PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru)
Recently we have investigated three new ternary intermetallic compounds PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru) which form in BaNiSn3-type tetragonal structure. The susceptibility exhibits... -
Artificial [FeFe]-Hydrogenases and Muon Spectroscopy
Preliminary measurements of [FeFe]-hydrogenase model complexes were made in a previous experiment using EMU (RB 1010177). The results were interpreted in combination with DFT... -
Muon spin relaxation study of non-Fermi-liquid behaviour at the border magnet...
The understanding of mechanisms responsible for the formation of Non-Fermi Liquid state (NFL) and its relation to unconventional superconductivity is among the largest...