Winter distribution of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton assemblages in the Nor...
Although zooplankton was extensively studied in the North Sea, knowledge about winter zooplankton assemblages is still scarce, despite potential influence of zooplankton... -
Acoustic survey data for Chinook salmon North and South of Vancouver Island i...
This dataset contains the sumarized data collected from acoustic survey with the hydrographic data in 2020. The data consist of temperature, salinity, pressure and velocity, and... -
Microbial remineralisation of the downward particle flux measured in the uppe...
The oceans’ biological pump plays a major role in the carbon cycle by transferring 5-10 Pg carbon annually out of the upper ocean. A relationship formulated >30 years ago –... -
Characterisation of the wave field induced by tropical cyclone Larry from a m...
These datasets characterize the wave field generated by tropical cyclone (TC) Larry during its life cycle. A first dataset (observations) gathers measurements of waves generated... -
Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions in western Brittany (Bay of Brest...
The Bay of Brest (BB, western Brittany, NW France) is a semi-enclosed basin of 180 km² subject to macro-tidal dynamics and to the fluvial influences of the rivers Aulne and... -
3D textured Digital Outcrop Models along the Amorgos Fault scarp (Aegean Sea,...
The AMORGOS-23 cruise (https://doi.org/10.17600/18003211) was conducted onboard R/V Europe from April 26th 2023 to May 9th 2023. Using HROV Ariane equipped with 4K cameras, we... -
Near-bottom bathymetry and back-scatter data acquired with AUV IDEFX during t...
Near-bottom multibeam bathymetry and back-scatter data acquired along the Amorgos and Santorini-Amorgos faults, in the Aegean sea. High-resolution bathymetry data (1 m/pixel)... -
Settling dynamics of muddy sediment in the Gironde-Garonne system
In the context of EMPHASE project (ANR-FRQ), two fields campaigns were carried out to determine the settling velocity and properties of suspended sediments during a semi-diurnal... -
Dataset of Polydora sp. infesting natural banks of Nodipecten subnodosus from...
This dataset contains information on the infestation levels of Polydora sp. (Polychaeta, Spionidae) on Nodipecten subnodosus. In seven months between 2014 and 2015, 639 scallops... -
Absolute Dynamic Topography: Corrected Nemo-Nordic Model for the Baltic Sea
This dataset provides absolute dynamic topography (DT) of the Baltic Sea, obtained through a synergistic integration of multiple data sources: hydrodynamic model (HDM), tide... -
CARING cruise biogeochemical data (nutrients, pH, total alkalinity, pCO2)
This dataset contains the CARING cruise qualified measurements of inorganic nutrient, pH, and total alkalinity profile bottle data, and underway pCO2 data. This dataset includes... -
Swath bathymetry of the Gulf of Porto Ercole, Tuscany, Italy
These bathymetric data were produced using the interferometric side-scan sonar onboard the Haliotis Research Vessel, Operated by Genavir, for the French Oceanographic Fleet, in... -
ATLAS - Advanced ecosysTem monitoring in ecoLogicAl obServatory
This pilot project aimed at setting a baseline of eDNA integration with other techniques/end users communities, that can be applied on fixed monitoring points such as cabled... -
EMSO-Iberian Margin Cape St. Vincent observatory data (EMSO Generic Instrumen...
The EMSO – Iberian Margin Cape St. Vincent mooring (IbMa-CSV) is a submarine observatory, located at the edge of the continental slope, 10 nm south of Cape St. Vincente, the SW... -
Stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in fauna sampled at the Vestbrona Carbona...
This dataset contains stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in several macrofaunal taxa sampled at the Vestbrona carbonate field, a methane seep are off the coast of Norway. All... -
EMSO-Iberian Margin Cape St. Vincent observatory data (subsurface mooring) fr...
The EMSO – Iberian Margin Cape St. Vincent mooring (IbMa-CSV) is a submarine observatory, located at the edge of the continental slope, 10 nm south of Cape St. Vincente, the SW... -
FIGURE cruise N2 fixation rates
Profile and underway N2 fixation rates measured with 15N2 stable isotope probing. This dataset includes water column and underway dinitrogen (N2) fixation rates measured across... -
Water column geochemistry data from REVOSIMA MAYOBS1 Cruise
The Mayotte volcanological and seismological monitoring network (REVOSIMA) was created in response to the sub-marine eruption that started in May 2018. Composed by IPGP, BRGM,... -
Array of Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters: data from the EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains current data acquired between june 2021 and June 2022 using 5 TCM-3 Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters installed next to the Tour Eiffel, Montségur and... -
Autonomous temperature probes data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2021-2022
This dataset contains temperature data acquired between june 2021 and june 2022 with an array of 32 autonomous temperature probes installed in smoker orifices, cracks or patches...