CC750 observatory data
Time series of daily averaged potential temperature (ºC) and current speed (m/s) at 750 m depth in the Cap de Creus submarine canyon in the northwestern Mediterranean. Data has... -
UTOPIAN Dataset - Mapping the benthic ecological state of the Reunion Island ...
As part of the UTOPIAN project, a data acquisition spanning from August 2021 to January 2025 has allowed for the evaluation of all coral reefs in Réunion. The CORRAM method... -
Pressure and temperature data from piezometer MAR2-PZML-01 on EMSO-LIGURE NIC...
This dataset contains the pressure and temperature data acquired by piezometer MAR2-PZML-01 from July 2021 following its deployment during the MaRoLiS 2021 cruise until its... -
Broadband dataset example collected with a WBAT
This dataset contains broadband acoustic data collected with scientific echosounders in the West Pacific between Nouméa and Micronesian Islands during Warmalis 1 cruise... -
EMSO-Ligure Ouest observatory data (MII) from 2019-08
EMSO-Western Ligurian Site (European Multidisciplinary See floor Observatory and water column, Western Ligurian Site) is a second generation permanent submarine observatory... -
Globe (GLobal Oceanographic Bathymetry Explorer) Software
GLOBE (GLobal Oceanographic Bathymetry Explorer) is an innovative application for processing and displaying oceanographic data. GLOBE offers processing and display solutions of... -
SURATLANT: a surface dataset in the central part of the North Atlantic subpol...
The SURATLANT dataset (SURveillance ATLANTique) consists of individual data of temperature, salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and its isotopic composition d13CDIC,... -
Fiordland glaciers and the Subtropical Front (SW Pacific) during the last gla...
Mountain glaciers are highly sensitive, purely physical monitors of climatic conditions. Geochemical and mineralogical data from core TAN1106-28 (48.372°S, 165.659°E) in the... -
DMS/O/P cycling during a marine heatwave in the NE subarctic Pacific (August ...
This dataset is associated with the article "Exceptionally high dimethyl sulfide concentrations during a marine heatwave in the NE subarctic Pacific". The data was collected in... -
Mesozooplankton samples were collected within the project Physical Oceanography of Easten Mediterranean-Biology-Chemistry (POEM-BC). Samples were collected on board of R/V... -
Catch and technical parameters of artisanal gillnets used in the Colombian Ca...
Gillnets are the predominant fishing gear used in the artisanal fisheries of the Colombian Caribbean. Due to their critical role in local livelihoods and the ecosystem,... -
Dynamics of phytoplankton on RADiale of the Saint-Jean Bay (DYPHYRAD) surveys
DYPHYRAD data are acquired using a semi-automated approach along a coastal-offshore transect in the eastern English Channel, off the Slack estuary (northern limit of the Marine... -
YOLO-WAL: Fluid emission detection by Water-column Acoustics and a deep Learn...
YOLOv5-WAL is a YOLOv5-based deep learning supervised approach to automate the detection of fluids emitted from the seafloor (e.g. methane bubbles from cold seeps and liquid... -
Collection of BGC-Argo single synthetic profile files with improved post proc...
On January 9, 2024, (http://doi.org/10.17882/42182#107470), in the Argo data stream, very few Chlorophyll-A (Chla) profiles are available in Delayed Mode (DM). For SOCA2024... -
A Drifter Dataset for the Western Mediterranean Sea collected during the SWOT...
This dataset gathered the trajectories of 161 Lagrangian surface drifters that were deployed in the Western Mediterranean sea in 2023 by three campaigns of the SWOT... -
Composition and abundance of fish assemblages across Yonge Reef, northern Gre...
This dataset gathers the names of 325 species of fish as well as their trophic category (8), habitat (9), abundance category (6) and minimum abundance (minimum number of... -
Surface waves data from a submerged ADCP in the "DeepLev" Eastern Levantine s...
The dataset is comprised of processed sea surface waves fields from an uplooking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) for the operational period of 2016-2022. The ADCP was... -
Data from IOPD cruise Part 2 Water sample analysis and plankton identifications
The Eurofleets+ IOPD research cruise took place from 28/06/2022 till 10/07/2022 in the Uummannaq region in West Greenland where a total of five fjords and the connecting shelf... -
Isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water analyzed sinc...
LOCEAN has been in charge of analyzing the isotopic composition of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in sea water collected during a series of cruises or ships of opportunity... -
Water isotopes of sea water analyzed since 1998 at LOCEAN
LOCEAN has been in charge of collecting sea water for the analysis of water isotopes on a series of cruises or ships of opportunity mostly in the equatorial Atlantic, in the...