Familienstress im Übergang zum Jugendalter: Welle 3
Basierend auf einem Transaktionsmodell der kindlichen Entwicklung bei familiärem Stress untersuchte diese Studie: a) familiären Stress durch dysfunktionale Familienprozesse wie... -
Enquête Parcours Professionnels - Vague 5 2016
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Suivi d'enfants dans une tâche de résolution d'additions sur 3 années
Strategies in mental arithmetic have been studied by cognitive psychologists for many years and this has led to an impressive amount of studies. Yet and quite surprisingly, the... -
Khoekhoegowab Lexical Study of Personality - Survey Responses
Personality psychology relies heavily on evidence from North America and Europe. Lexical studies, based on the rationale that the most important psychological distinctions... -
Données du suivi longitudinal sur 3 ans pour le groupe d'enfants avec paralys...
A relationship between finger gnosia and numerical abilities has been well documented in the literature. It has been shown for example that five- to six-year-old children... -
Professional Paths Survey (ProPaS), Wave 6 2017
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Khoekhoegowab Lexical Study of Personality - Qualitative interview Responses
Personality psychology relies heavily on evidence from North America and Europe. Lexical studies, based on the rationale that the most important psychological distinctions... -
Colour-emotion associations in individuals with and without congenital red-gr...
For over 100 years, popular and scientific communities have suggested that colours have psychological and affective implications (Kaya & Epps, 2004; Major, 1895; Wexner,... -
Digital Lives - What does smartphone-mediated communication feel like (Experi...
The project was guided by the overarching question: “What does smartphone-mediated communication feel like?”. The primary goal was to assess perceptions of mediated... -
Digital Lives - Social Anxiety, (problematic) Smartphone Use and Dispositiona...
The project was guided by the overarching question: “What does smartphone-mediated communication feel like?”. The primary goal was to assess perceptions of mediated... -
Mental Health in Namibia - Survey Responses
Knowledge in psychology is based disproportionately on evidence from western, industrialized samples, non-representative groups in terms of global population. Models built only... -
Normality in Medicine
The purpose of this study was to connect some conceptual dots surrounding the use of normality by regressing a person’s acceptance of normality as being applied in medicine on... -
Panel-Befragung von Kindern und Jugendlichen über Alltag und Schule, Köniz un...
L'étude présentée ici - réalisée dans le cadre du Programme national de recherche 33 "Efficacité de nos systèmes de formation" - avait pour objectif de récolter des informations... -
Musicdrops@work – Réponses aux entretiens qualitatifs
The Musicdrops@work project aimed to study the impact of short live musical interventions in the context of work. Specifically, students from the Lausanne University of Music,... -
Musicdrops@work – Réponses aux questionnaires
The Musicdrops@work project aimed to study the impact of short live musical interventions in the context of work. Specifically, students from the Lausanne University of Music,... -
Erst-Eltern vor und nach der Geburt ihres Kindes - 1994
Das erwähnte Projekt enthielt zwei miteinander in Verbindung stehende Untersuchungsteile: Erstens eine Längsschnittuntersuchung von Eltern (N = 369 Väter und Mütter) mit... -
Processus de positionnement autour du végétarisme. Une étude psychologique so...
In this doctoral dissertation, I adress the issue of changes in foodways, using a socio-cultural framework, as this approach takes as a starting point the dynamic... -
Professional Paths Survey (ProPaS), Wave 7 2018
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Befragung von früh- und normalpensionierten Personen vor und nach der Pension...
In einer Längsschnittstudie mit drei Erhebungszeitpunkten wird untersucht, wie die Pensionierung erlebt wird und die Anpassung an die nachberufliche Zeit erfolgt. Anhand eines... -
Befragung von Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 20 Jahren in den Kantonen Bern, Aa...
Building and changing one's identity is a central task of all people. This task becomes particularly relevant in adolescence. Young people want to know who they are, what they...