Hälsa på lika villkor? - Västra Götaland, 2013
The survey “Health on equal terms?” is a national survey, conducted every year since 2004. The Public Health Agency is responsible for the survey and Statistics Sweden (SCB) is... -
Hälsa på lika villkor? - Västra Götaland, 2014
The survey “Health on equal terms?” is a national survey, conducted every year since 2004. The Public Health Agency is responsible for the survey and Statistics Sweden (SCB) is... -
Hälsa på lika villkor? - Västra Götaland, 2015
The survey “Health on equal terms?” is a national survey, conducted every year since 2004. The Public Health Agency is responsible for the survey and Statistics Sweden (SCB) is... -
Hälsa på lika villkor? - Västra Götaland, 2015: Kohort
The survey “Health on equal terms?” is a national survey, conducted every year since 2004. The Public Health Agency is responsible for the survey and Statistics Sweden (SCB) is... -
Malmö Offspring Study - Malmö Familjestudie
The steering group for Malmö Offspring Study: Peter Nilsson, Lund University, Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö, Internal Medicine Research Unit Olle Melander, Lund... -
Hälsa på lika villkor? - Västra Götaland, 2016
The survey "Health on equal terms?" is a national survey, conducted every year since 2004. The Public Health Agency is responsible for the survey and Statistics Sweden (SCB) is... -
Umeå SIMSAM Lab: Ett registerbaserat forskningsprogram som knyter samman barn...
The Umea ̊ SIMSAM Lab in a nutshell: 1) The Lab was established for interdisciplinary research from childhood into lifelong health and welfare. It provides individual-level... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 1
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 2
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 3
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 4
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 5
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
The Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (SATSA)
The Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (SATSA) is a longitudinal study where the twin design and the inclusion of twins reared apart makes it possible to study the importance... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K) - Befolk...
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K) - Befolk...
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K) - Befolk...
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K) - Befolk...
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K) - Befolk...
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K) - Vårdsy...
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K) - Befolk...
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne...