Reciprocity in Labor Market Relationships: Evidence from an Experiment Across...
We study reciprocity in the labor market context. To this end, we conducted a bilateral gift exchange experiment comparing behavior of subjects from five high-income OECD... -
The gender wage gap in experimental labor markets [Dataset]
We analyze the gender wage gap in experimental markets. Women receive but do not request significantly lower wages than men. This hurts firms, as women react with low effort.... -
Communication in Cournot competition: An experimental study [Dataset]
This study investigates the impact of communication on outcomes in Cournot duopoly and triopoly experiments. Communication is implemented by two different devices, a... -
The quality of clinical maternal and neonatal healthcare
Data was collected in a total of 33 health factilities.Data was collected by direct non-participatory observation of the clinical interactions between maternal care providers... -
Prospect theory or construal level theory? Diminishing sensitivity vs. psycho...
Attitudes toward risks are central to organizational decisions. These attitudes are commonly modeled by prospect theory. Construal level theory has been proposed as an... -
Factors affecting the uptake of HIV testing among men
This study aimed to explore factors shaping the decision to undergo Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) testing among men in rural Burkina Faso. The study took place in 2009 in... -
Die Itinerare der Pfalzgrafen bei Rhein 1200-1400
Die hier zur Verfügung gestellte Datenbank enthält die Itinerare der Pfalzgrafen bei Rhein, beginnend mit der Belehnung Ludwigs I. und Ottos II. durch König Friedrich II. 1214... -
On the role of social wage comparisons in gift-exchange experiments [Dataset]
This study extends a bilateral gift-exchange experiment by Clark et al. (2010). We investigate how the provision of either quantitative or qualitative information on the average... -
Why do people keep their promises? An experimental test of two explanations
Numerous psychological and economic experiments have shown that the exchange of promises greatly enhances cooperative behavior in experimental games. This paper seeks to test... -
SPDM data capturing radiation induced chromatin conformation changes
Using stably transfected HeLa cells expressing either green fluorescent protein (GFP) labelled histone H2B or yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) labelled histone H2A, we... -
Willingness to Pay for Voluntary Climate Action and Its Determinants: Field-E...
The determinants of individual, voluntary climate action (VCA) in combating climate change and its potential scale are frequently debated in public but largely underresearched.... -
Out-of-pocket Expenditure on Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Rural Malaw...
Data was collected in household survey conducted in the 2 rural districts of Thyolo and Chiradzulu in southern Malawi. The main purpose of the study was to determine the... -
Depletion of the chromatin looping proteins CTCF and cohesin causes chromatin...
Simulations using an advanced version of the Dynamic Loop model were performed to investigate the mechanisms responsible for the experimental finding that the reduction of the... -
WikiWarsDE Corpus
The WikiWarsDE corpus is a German corpus containing Wikipedia articles with annotations of temporal expressions. Its creation was motivated by the English WikiWars corpus (Mazur... -
Rage Against the Machines: How Subjects Learn to Play Against Computers [Data...
We use a large-scale internet experiment to explore how subjects learn to play against computers that are programmed to follow one of a number of standard learning algorithms.... -
How do subjects view multiple sources of ambiguity? [Dataset]
As illustrated by the famous Ellsberg paradox, many subjects prefer to bet on events with known rather than with unknown probabilities, i.e., they are ambiguity averse. In an... -
Mandatory Sick Pay Provision: A Labor Market Experiment [Dataset]
The question whether a minimum rate of sick pay should be mandated is much debated. We study the effects of this kind of intervention with student subjects in an experimental... -
Imitation and the Evolution of Walrasian Behavior: Theoretically Fragile but ...
A well-known result by Vega-Redondo (1997) [18] implies that in symmetric Cournot oligopolies, imitation leads to the Walrasian outcome. We show that this result is not robust... -
Does Information about Competitors' Actions Increase or Decrease Competition ...
This paper investigates the impact the publication of firm-specific data has on the competitiveness of experimental oligopoly markets. We compare two treatments: in one, firms... -
Imitation - Theory and Experimental Evidence [Dataset]
We introduce a generalized theoretical approach to study imitation and subject it to rigorous experimental testing. In our theoretical analysis we find that the different...