[Ergänzungsmaterial zu] Rinne, Christoph: Odagsen und Großenrode, Ldkr. North...
Spatialite Database (SQL) and CSV files with data of the Neolithic collective grave Odagsen I in Lower Saxony (Germany). Spatial data from individual hand-drawn plan sheets of... -
Sentiment View Lexicon (EN)
This gold standard contains sentiment expressions (verbs, nouns and adjectives) that have been annotated according to their (prior) sentiment view. Each sentiment expression is... -
Narratives for Lengyel funerary practice (Supplementary Material)
Supplementary tables 1–6; supplementary figures 1–3 -
Cyclodimers and Cyclotrimers of 2,3-Bisalkynylated Anthracenes, Phenazines an...
Research Data associated with the related publication. -
Hedging, ambiguity, and the reversal of order axiom [Dataset]
We ran experiments that gave subjects a straight-forward and simple opportunity to hedge away ambiguity in an Ellsberg-style experiment. Subjects had to make bets on the... -
Doubly Bridged Anthracenes: Blue Emitters for OLEDs [data]
The photooxidative stability of a series of doubly bridged anthracenes was evaluated after their preparation via twofold macrocyclization of a bis(resorcinyl)anthracene.... -
Improving change analysis from near-continuous 3D time series by considering ...
This dataset comprises the source code (Python scripts) and data to perform spatiotemporal segmentation in time series of surface change data for a (i) synthetic dataset and... -
Calculation of Population attributable fraction Familial relative risk and St...
Candidate gene studies have become very popular but some of their implicit constraints, such as the familial risk and the population attributable fraction (PAF) conferred by the... -
La vaisselle métallique en Gaule Belgique à la veille de la Conquête. Matéria...
List of the metal vessels from the 2nd and 1st century BC in northern Gaul. -
HELIOS full-waveform laser scanning simulation framework. Source code, precom...
This data collection enables any user to reproduce the study Hämmerle et al. (2017). It provides the source code to compile the applied simulation framework. Furthermore, a... -
Monthly mean atmospheric D14CO2 at Jungfraujoch and Schauinsland from 1986 to...
14CO2 observations at Jungfraujoch high altitude research station in the Swiss Alps (3450m a.s.l.) and at Schauinsland observatory (1205 m a.s.l.) in the German Black Forest are... -
Promoting water consumption using behavioral economics insights [Dataset]
Mexico has one of the largest overweight and obesity epidemics in the world and as a response, several actions aiming to reduce the obesity epidemic have been already set in... -
A European-wide 222Radon and 222Radon progeny comparison study [Dataset]
Although atmospheric 222Radon (222Rn) activity concentration measurements are currently performed world-wide, they are being made by many different laboratories and with... -
Process fairness, outcome fairness, and dynamic consistency: experimental evi...
Literature on fairness preferences distinguishes between outcome fairness, concerning the final allocation of payoffs, and process fairness, concerning the expected allocation... -
Catastrophic Risk: Social Influences on Insurance Decisions [Dataset]
We study behavioral patterns of insurance demand for low-probability large-loss events (catastrophic losses). Individual patterns of belief formation and risk attitude that were... -
Satsangijivanam by Shatananda: Transliterated Sanskrit text with mark-up of c...
The Satsangijivanam is a Sanskrit text with more than 16'000 verses, describing the life and teachings of the founder of the Swaminarayan Movement. By making this text available... -
Payment Procedure in a Public Good Game Experiment: The Effects of Endowment ...
We study whether and how payment procedure affects behavior in a repeated public good game. To this end, we conducted five treatments, varying the times of paying the initial... -
HDAMM-predictor: prediction of progression in asymptomatic myeloma patients
The HDAMM-predictor is based on microarray gene expression and predicts the risk of progression from asymptomatic to symptomatic myeloma. It divides the patients in three... -
Quellcode für eine Perl-Implementierung eines MARC21-MARCXML-Konverters. -
Text und Data Mining an wissenschaftlichen Repositorien und Publikationsserve...
Es wurden die auf den Homepages angegebenen Ansprechpartner wissenschaftlicher Repositorien und Publikationsserver in Deutschland zu ihren Erfahrungen mit Text und Data Mining...