Data from Intraluminal Infusion of Penta-Galloyl Glucose Reduces Abdominal Ao...
Experimental data from the study: Intraluminal Infusion of Penta-Galloyl Glucose Reduces Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Development in the Pancreatic Elastase Rat Model. The data... -
Development of an Automatic Pollen Classification System
This research applied image processing and machine learning techniques to develop an automatic process for the identification of 5 pollen species using images from a digital... -
Evaluation of the use of the learning community WijkLink.WijkLink is hét (digitale) ‘leernetwerk’ wijkverpleging van Oost Nederland. WijkLink bestond op 1 oktober 2018 uit ruim... -
Biomarker Research in ADHD: the Impact of Nutrition (BRAIN) – smallRNA data set
Small RNA sequencing data for 79 children included in the Biomarker Research in ADHD: the Impact of Nutrition (BRAIN) study, an open-label trial during which children with ADHD... -
PROFILES registry: Quality of life multiple myeloma May 2009
The PROFILES registry offers scientific data in the area of medical psychology and more specific on quality of life of cancer survivors. The PROFILES registry is open to... -
A conserved role of the duplicated Masculinizer gene in sex determination of ...
Identification and verification of a duplication of the Masculinizer (Masc) gene in the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella. Supporting alignments containing splice... -
Adhesion performance of a universal adhesive in the root canal: effect of etc...
Universal adhesives are new systems that can be used in etch-and-rinse (ER) and self-etch (SE) modes. This in vitro study evaluated the bonding performance of a universal... -
Experiences of people with dual sensory loss in various areas of life: A qual...
This document contains a summary of 20 interviews conducted for this study as well as the code book used to analyze the results Date Submitted: 2023-05-09 -
Impact of Q-fever on physical and psychosocial functioning until 8 years afte...
In our paper: ‘Impact of Q-fever on physical and psychosocial functioning until 8 years after Coxiella burnetii infection: an integrative data analysis’(PlosOne in press) we... -
Generic online animal activity recognition on collar tags
This dataset comprises labeled behavioral data from 4 individual goats and 2 sheep that exercised 9 different activities. The sensor types included are: accelerometer,... -
Thermal reaction norms for pigmentation mutants: g, t and gxt effects
Developmental plasticity refers to the ability for the external environment to modulate development leading to the production of different phenotypes from the same genotype.... -
Relevante gedragsveranderingstechnieken (BCT's) in slaap- en rookapps
Data heeft betrekking op het identificeren van relevante gedragsveranderingstechnieken (BCTs) in app gericht op het stoppen met roken en het verbeteren van slaapkwaliteit- en... -
PROFILES registry: Quality of life Hodgkin lymphoma May 2009
The PROFILES registry offers scientific data in the area of medical psychology and more specific on quality of life of cancer survivors. The PROFILES registry is open to... -
HANDS - Illusion of movement induced by tendon vibration on healthy subject
HANDS - Illusion of movement induced by tendon vibration on healthy subject -
TBEV surveillance in rodents, the Netherlands: 2018-2019
This dataset is part of the TBEV-COMEIN project (ZonMW project number 522003004). One of the goals of this project was to determine the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis... -
data for COVID-19
This data is used to analyze factors related to COVID-19 Date Submitted: 2022-04-20 -
Step-by-step variability of swing phase trajectory area during steady state w...
Step kinematic variability has been characterized during gait using spatial and temporal kinematic characteristics. However, people can adopt different trajectory paths both... -
Electronic Patient Record Dataset - UK Hospital
Anonymized Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Dataset from a UK-based Hospital. The dataset contains 1,007,727 rows of data collected between 28th February 2016 and 21st August... -
Data underlying the paper 'Implementation of a client-accessible and multidis...
Process evaluation, investigating the implementation of a newly developed electronic patient record for preventive child health and youth care (EPR-Youth). The objective was to... -
Predicting Kidney Failure from Longitudinal Kidney Function Trajectory: A Com...
Minimal datasets used to train and validate models described in Predicting Kidney Failure from Longitudinal Kidney Function Trajectory: A Comparison of Models. Goal: Early...