UT-GPCR004 CHO-K1 cell line bright-field and fluorescence microscopy and corr...
The "UT-GPCR004 CHO-K1 cell line bright-field and fluorescence microscopy and corresponding segmentation ground truth" dataset contains the raw microscopy images, corresponding... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2010-01
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Focus groups characteristics and participants
The quotations of participants' opinions and beliefs were marked with codes in the following manner (for instance, 1ET36FH and 6RU35MS). Each code begins with a focus group... -
Greece: Bibliographical database of Greek journalism and media research relat...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Influence of Carboxylate Anions on Phase Behavior of Choline Ionic Liquid Mix...
Mixing ionic liquids is a suitable strategy to tailor properties, e.g., to reduce melting points. The present study aims to widen the application range of low-toxic... -
Baltoscandian Ordovician and Silurian brachiopod carbon and oxygen stable iso...
Oxygen isotope paleotemperature studies of the Palaeozoic carbonates are based mainly on brachiopod shell material which is resistant to diagenesis and generally precipitated in... -
Antimicrobial activity of commercial photocatalytic SaniTise™ window glass
The dataset represents collection of raw data for different analyses used in the manuscript "Antimicrobial activity of commercial photocatalytic SaniTise™ window glass"... -
Acta Politica Estica Nr 12/2021
Acta Politica Estica teadusajakirja 2021. aasta number sisaldab artikleid: Krumm, Kristo. (2021). Eesti tööturu etnilist ebavõrdsust kujundavad hoiakud ja väärtused eri... -
Päeviku 3/93 lisaleht Üldandmed, tabelid, graafikud
Uuring Eesti venekeelse telepubliku eelistuste kohta eesmärgiga saada teada, kui vaadatav on VENE VIDEOKANAL ja mille järgi tehaksi valik kanali ning saate osas. Küsimustikus... -
Nanoion 2010-11
The dataset provides measurements of the mobility and size distributions of charged molecular clusters and finest aerosol particles naturally found in atmospheric air. The... -
Framework for Security Level Evaluation (F4SLE) E-ITS based ver 2021-1
F4SLE provides to the institutions with E-ITS-based repeatable and comparable results for evaluating the performance of information security management, both for self-assessment... -
ArtSeg-CHO-M4R: artifact segmentation in microscopy of ligand binding to M4 m...
The "ArtSeg-CHO-M4R, artifact segmentation in microscopy of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptor in live CHO-K1-hM4 cells" dataset contains microscopy images along with the... -
Mereliste elupaigatüüpide seisundi hindamise metoodika Deliverable 3.1.1. Me...
Merestrateegia raamdirektiivi (MSRD) kohaselt on vajalik liikmesriikidel viia merealal läbi keskkonnaseisundi hindamine, mis hõlmab merepõhja füüsikalisi ja keemilisi,... -
"Inimene ja keskkond" sots-demograafilised tunnused. Venekeelne aruanne
This dataset has no description
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2008-08
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Kaardi animeerimise protsess Põhjasõja lahingute dünaamilise kujutamise näitel
Animeeritud kaart Põhjasõjast Eesti- ja Liivimaa aladel (1700-1710), millel on kujutatud Rootsi Kuningriigi, Moskva tsaaririigi ja Saksimaa sõjakäigud, lahingud ja vallutused. -
Investment needs and investment readiness amongst Estonian social enterprises
This analysis report is part of the project: ‘Kick-starting the nascent social finance market in Estonia (SoFiMa)’. The project consortium includes the Baltic Innovation Agency,... -
Data of transition metal phthalocyanine-modified shungite-based cathode catal...
This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of pulbished paper "Transition metal phthalocyanine-modified shungite-based cathode catalysts for alkaline membrane fuel... -
Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables based on tethersonde soundings fro...
A tethersonde system by Vaisala (DigiCORA TT12) was applied to measure high-resolution vertical profiles of atmospheric variables (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed... -
Copernicus Cal/Val Solution: Copernicus measurement network and supersites
Dokumendi eesmärgiks on leida olemasolevate Copernicus missiooni kalibreerimise ja valideerimismõõtmiste kitsaskohti ja pakkuda võimalikke lahendusi. Aim of the document is to...