Estonian Vunimano I Hackathon collected interviews 05.-07.10.2018
This project CoSIE (Co-creation of Service Innovation in Europe) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2019-10_11
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Dataset of air ion measurements Tahkuse_1993_1994
The dataset makes available measurements of the mobility distributions of charged molecular clusters and fine aerosol particles in unpolluted atmospheric air at a rural area.... -
Kutsepropagandasüsteemi aluste väljatöötamine VIII etapi aruanne
Tootmiskoondise "Eesti Trükitööstus" H. Heidemanni nim. trükikoja kaadri kujundamise ja kinnistamise süsteemi ning sotsiaalse arengu plaani aluste väljatöötamine aastaiks... -
Austria: Bibliographical database of Austrian journalism and media research r...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2000-01
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2006-05
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Ab Initio Calculation of Thermodynamic Functions for CO2 Adsorption in Metal-...
Structure files used in "Ab Initio Calculation of Thermodynamic Functions for CO2 Adsorption in Metal-Organic Frameworks: Entropic Effects of Lateral Interactions" -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2000-05
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Electromechanically active polymer actuators based on biofriendly choline ion...
Smart and soft electroactive polymer actuators have many beneficial properties, making them attractive for biomimetic and biomedical applications. However, the selection of... -
Understanding the Behavior of Fully Non-Toxic Polypyrrole-Gelatin and Polypyr...
Smart and soft electroactive polymer actuators as building blocks for soft robotics have many beneficial properties that could make them useful in future biomimetic and... -
Eesti Raadio poolt läbiviidavale uurimusele informatsiooniallikatest ja nende...
ESTA O161_2, aastaarv oletuslik, kirjeldus vajab täiendamist -
UT-GPCR002 Machine learning models for CHO-K1 cell segmentation from fluoresc...
The "UT-GPCR002 Machine learning models for CHO-K1 cell segmentation from fluorescence and bright-field microscopy images" dataset contains the machine learning model files for... -
Appendix 1: List of interview questions for military personnel
The increasing integration of unmanned systems promises massive changes in military tactics and enormous enhancements to army arsenals. However, these developments also raise... -
Ehitustegevuse planeerimine ja järelevalve
This dataset has no description
UT-GPCR001 microscopy of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptor in live CHO...
The "UT-GPCR001 microscopy of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptor in live CHO-K1-hM4 cells" dataset contains the raw microscopy images of the experiments along with images... -
Distribution of categorised feedback comments (e.g. class, sub-class, and fea...
This entry contains data on the categorisation and classification of asynchronous written peer feedback comments within one doctorate writing group over a three-month period.... -
Data of oxygen reduction reaction on Pd nanoparticles supported on novel meso...
This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of published paper "Oxygen reduction reaction on Pd nanoparticles supported on novel mesoporous carbon materials"... -
Ankeedid (kultuur, noored, keskkond, muusika, ra- tele, sport, tervis)
This dataset has no description
Anthropogenic aerosol impacts on clouds from SEVIRI satellite data
Anthropogenic aerosols offset an unknown fraction of greenhouse gas warming. We use geostationary satellite data to analyse continental polluted cloud tracks originating from...