Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2005-10
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Andmekogum ja lisamaterjalid artiklile „Liikumisverbid horisontaalsel ja vert...
Admekogum artiklile „Liikumisverbid horisontaalsel ja vertikaalsel teljel. Ühe sorteerimiskatse tulemused“ (Keel ja Kirjandus 3/2021; Piia Taremaa). Andmekogumisse kuuluvad: 1)... -
Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech v1.2
The Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech consists of recordings that have been annotated on different linguistic tiers including words and segments and their... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2005-03
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2012-03
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Bird bones from the archaeological excavations in the castle of the Teutonic ...
The dataset contains bird bone identifications by Freydis Ehrlich from May 2020 and is the dataset used for a publication Ehrlich et al 2020:... -
Eesti Infoturbestandardi (E-ITS) põhine turbe hindamise instrument / Estonia...
Alusinstrument uuringule / tool for research The tool is designed to evaluate the information security level of organizations or business processes. The tool is based on the... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2003-06
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2001-02
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Data of polypyrrole and polythiophene modified carbon nanotube-based cathode ...
This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of pulbished paper "Polypyrrole and polythiophene modified carbon nanotube-based cathode catalysts for anion exchange... -
Blockchain Oracles: A Framework for Blockchain-Based Applications (SLR Protoc...
Blockchain oracles support the access, validation, and transmission of data from external sources. They are important components of blockchain-based architectures, however,... -
Riigikaitse ja avalik arvamus 2016-03
Andmetele ligipääsu taotlemiseks palun võtta ühendust Eesti Sotsiaalteadusliku andmearhiiviga aadressil socarch@psych.ut.ee EV Kaitseministeeriumi tellitud regulaaruuringu... -
Bulgaria: Bibliographical database of Bulgarian journalism and media research...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Romania: Bibliographical database of Romanian journalism and media research r...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Eesti NSV MN Koondise Eesti Põllumajandustehnika sotsiaalse arengu aluste väl...
This dataset has no description
Croatia: Bibliographical database of Croatian journalism and media research r...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Blockchain-based Application Security Risks: A Systematic Literature Review
Security risks on the blockchain-based applications are arising and there is no prior study is conducted to overview and uniform the understanding of security risks on the... -
Läänemere klorofüll-a algoritm Deliverable 2.2.1. Improved chlorophyll-a alg...
Fütoplanktoni biomass on üks põhilisi veekogude eutrofeerumise indikaatoreid. Kõige levinum parameeter, mille abil fütoplanktoni biomassi hinnatakse on planktonis leiduva... -
Fire Weather Index (FWI) for Estonia for growing seasons 2018 and 2019
The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System (Van Wagner 1987) is a weather-based means of calculating potential fire conditions. Canadian research on forest fire danger... -
Data and R code for "Manner of motion in Estonian: A descriptive account of s...
Data and statistical code used in the paper "Manner of motion in Estonian: A descriptive account of speed" (accepted by the Studies in Language in 2021). Authors of the paper:...