The first 300 stars observed by the GPIES


We present a statistical analysis of the first 300 stars observed by the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey. This subsample includes six detected planets and three brown dwarfs; from these detections and our contrast curves we infer the underlying distributions of substellar companions with respect to their mass, semimajor axis, and host stellar mass. We uncover a strong correlation between planet occurrence rate and host star mass, with stars M_>1.5 M{sun} more likely to host planets with masses between 2 and 13 M_Jup and semimajor axes of 3-100 au at 99.92% confidence. We fit a double power-law model in planet mass (m) and semimajor axis (a) for planet populations around high-mass stars (M_>1.5 M{sun}) of the form d^2^N/(dm da){}m^{alpha}^{alpha}^{beta}^, finding {alpha}=-2.4+/-0.8 and {beta}=-2.0+/-0.5, and an integrated occurrence rate of 9-4_^+5^% between 5-13 M_Jup_ and 10-100 au. A significantly lower occurrence rate is obtained for brown dwarfs around all stars, with 0.8_-0.5_^+0.8^% of stars hosting a brown dwarf companion between 13-80 M_Jup_ and 10-100 au. Brown dwarfs also appear to be distributed differently in mass and semimajor axis compared to giant planets; whereas giant planets follow a bottom-heavy mass distribution and favor smaller semimajor axes, brown dwarfs exhibit just the opposite behaviors. Comparing to studies of short-period giant planets from the radial velocity method, our results are consistent with a peak in occurrence of giant planets between ~1 and 10 au. We discuss how these trends, including the preference of giant planets for high-mass host stars, point to formation of giant planets by core/pebble accretion, and formation of brown dwarfs by gravitational instability.

Cone search capability for table J/AJ/158/13/table4 (300-star properties and observing log)

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Creator Nielsen E.L.; De Rosa R.J.; Macintosh B.; Wang J.J.; Ruffio J.-B.,Chiang E.; Marley M.S.; Saumon D.; Savransky D.; Ammons S.M.; Bailey V.P.,Barman T.; Blain C.; Bulger J.; Burrows A.; Chilcote J.; Cotten T.,Czekala I.; Doyon R.; Duchene G.; Esposito T.M.; Fabrycky D.,Fitzgerald M.P.; Follette K.B.; Fortney J.J.; Gerard B.L.; Goodsell S.J.,Graham J.R.; Greenbaum A.Z.; Hibon P.; Hinkley S.; Hirsch L.A.; Hom J.,Hung L.-W.; Dawson R.I.; Ingraham P.; Kalas P.; Konopacky Q.; Larkin J.E.,Lee E.J.; Lin J.W.; Maire J.; Marchis F.; Marois C.; Metchev S.,Millar-Blanchaer M.A.; Morzinski K.M.; Oppenheimer R.; Palmer D.,Patience J.; Perrin M.; Poyneer L.; Pueyo L.; Rafikov R.R.; Rajan A.,Rameau J.; Rantakyro F.T.; Ren B.; Schneider A.C.; Sivaramakrishnan A.,Song I.; Soummer R.; Tallis M.; Thomas S.; Ward-Duong K.; Wolff S.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2019
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Exoplanet Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy