3,814 datasets found

Keywords: exoplanet astronomy

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  • SAS-2 Map Product Catalog

    This database is a collection of maps created from the 28 SAS-2 observation files. The original observation files can be accessed within BROWSE by changing to the SAS2RAW...
  • Einstein IPC Images

    The IPCIMAGE database contains information from the Imaging Proportional Counter aboard HEAO 2, the Einstein Observatory. Einstein incorporated a high-resolution X-ray telescope...
  • Einstein HRI Images

    The HRIIMAGE database table contains information from the High Resolution Imager aboard HEAO 2, the Einstein Observatory. Einstein incorporated a high-resolution X-ray telescope...
  • COS-B Map Product Catalog

    The European Space Agency's satellite COS-B was dedicated to gamma-ray astronomy in the energy range 50 MeV to 5 Gev and carried a single spark chamber telescope with...
  • EXOSAT CMA Images for Each Pointing

    This database table contains the images from two EXOSAT LE telescopes with the channel multiplier array (CMA) detectors in the focal plane. The CMA/telescope combination covers...
  • Relative RVs for KELT-24 taken from MINERVA

    We present a new analysis of the KELT-24 system, comprising a well-aligned hot Jupiter, KELT-24 b, and a bright (V=8.3), nearby (d=96.9pc) F-type host star. KELT-24 b was...
  • NEID radial velocities of TOI-5126 and TOI-5398

    Despite decades of effort, the mechanisms by which the spin axis of a star and the orbital axes of its planets become misaligned remain elusive. In particular, it is of great...
  • Planetary eccentricity-period (PEP) distributions

    We used the database of 1040 short-period (1<=P<200days) exoplanets radial-velocity orbits to study the planetary eccentricity-period (PEP) distribution. We first divided...
  • WASP-69b JWST NIRCam & MIRI eclipse depth sp.

    WASP-69 b is a hot, inflated, Saturn-mass planet (0.26M_Jup_) with a zero-albedo equilibrium temperature of 963K. Here, we report the JWST 2-12{mu}m emission spectrum of the...
  • Magnetic field of the Radcliffe Wave

    We investigate the geometry of the magnetic field towards the Radcliffe Wave, a coherent 3-kpc-long part of the nearby Local Arm recently discovered via three-dimensional dust...
  • Velocity curves of 7 transiting systems

    While several thousand exoplanets are now confirmed, the number of known transiting warm Jupiters (10d < period < 200d) remains relatively small. These planets are...
  • TOI-5108 and TOI 5786 radial velocities

    We report the discovery and characterization of two sub-Saturns from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) using high-resolution spectroscopic observations from the...
  • Herschel DEBRIS survey of M-dwarfs

    The Herschel open-time key program Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared and Sub-millimeter (DEBRIS) is an unbiased survey of the nearest 100 stars for...
  • Companions in nearby open clusters

    Observations of companions of solar-type stars in nearby young moving groups (NYMGs) show that they split into two groups: stellar and brown dwarf companions (mass ratio...
  • Newborn Be star system

    Many classical Be stars acquire their very rapid rotation by mass and angular-momentum transfer in massive binaries. Short-lived intermediate-phase objects have only been...
  • STAPS images

    We present data processing and verification of the Southern Twenty-centimetre All-sky Polarization Survey (STAPS) conducted with Murriyang, the Parkes 64-m telescope. The survey...
  • Earth 2.0 candidates stellar magnetic activity

    Stellar chromospheric activity can impact the search for exoplanets. Earth 2.0 (ET 2.0) is a space telescope designed for exoplanet detection. This work surveys stellar...
  • Northern HI Parkes All Sky Survey Catalogue (HIPASS)

    The Northern HIPASS catalogue (NHICAT) is the northern extension of the HIPASS catalogue, HICAT. This extension adds the sky area between the declination (Dec.) range of...
  • HI spectral properties of galaxies

    We present a homogeneous compilation of HI spectral parameters extracted from global 21cm line spectra for some 9000 galaxies in the local universe (heliocentric velocity...
  • HI Parkes All Sky Survey Catalogue (HIPASS)

    The HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) Catalogue forms the largest uniform catalogue of HI sources compiled to date, with 4315 sources identified purely by their HI content. The...
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