Chandra Deep Field South AGN Spectral Properties Catalog
This table contains the results of a detailed X-ray spectral analysis of the sources in the 1 Ms catalog of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS, Giacconi et al. 2002, <a... -
LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field South Submillimetre Survey
The LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) Submillimetre Survey (LESS) is a public legacy survey of the ECDFS at 870 μm using the LABOCA camera (Siringo et al. 2009)... -
The Chandra Deep Field North (CDFN) 2-Megasecond (2Ms) Optical and IR Catalog is an optical and near-infrared catalog for the X-ray sources in the 2Ms Chandra observation of the... -
This table contains the redshift catalog for the X-ray sources detected in the Chandra Deep Field-North (CDF-N). The catalog for the CDF-N includes redshifts from previous work.... -
Chandra Deep Field North 2-Megasecond Improved Point Source Catalog
This table contains the improved point-source catalog for the 2-Ms Chandra Deep Field-North (CDF-N) Survey, implementing a number of recent improvements in Chandra... -
Chandra COSMOS Radio-Selected Star-Forming Galaxies and AGN Catalog
X-ray surveys contain sizable numbers of star-forming galaxies, beyond the AGN which usually make up the majority of detections. Many methods to separate the two populations are... -
Chandra COSMOS (C-COSMOS) Survey Photometric Redshift Catalog
In their paper, the authors release accurate photometric redshifts for 1692 counterparts to Chandra sources in the central square degree of the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS)... -
Chandra COSMOS (C-COSMOS) Survey Optical/IR Counterparts Catalog
The Chandra COSMOS Survey (C-COSMOS) is a large, 1.8-Ms, Chandra program that has imaged the central 0.9 deg<sup>2</sup> of the COSMOS field down to limiting depths... -
Chandra COSMOS (C-COSMOS) Survey X-Ray Point Source Catalog
The Chandra COSMOS Survey (C-COSMOS) is a large, 1.8 Ms, Chandra program that has imaged the central 0.5 deg<sup>2</sup> of the COSMOS field (centered at RA, Dec of... -
Chandra Bulge Field X-Ray Point Source Catalog
Apparently diffuse X-ray emission has been known to exist along the central quarter of the Galactic Plane since the beginning of X-ray astronomy; this is referred to as the... -
CGRO BATSE-Observed Piccinotti Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei
Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) BATSE Earth-occultation data have been used by Malizia et al. (1999, ApJ, 519, 637) to search for emission in the 20-100 keV band from all... -
Carina OB1 Association XMM-Newton X-Ray Point Source Catalog
This database table contains the Carina OB1 Association XMM-Newton X-Ray Point Source Catalog. The X-ray properties of the stellar population in the Carina OB1 Association have... -
Carina Nebula Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog
This database table contains a catalog of >~ 14,000 X-ray sources observed by the ACIS instrument on the Chandra X-ray Observatory within a 1.42 deg<sup>2</sup>... -
Carina Nebula Chandra X-Ray Point Source Classes
The Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP) provides a sensitive X-ray survey of a nearby starburst region over > 1 deg<sup>2</sup> in extent. Thousands of faint... -
Carina Nebula Gum 31 Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog
Gum 31 is a prominent, but still rather poorly studied, HII region around the stellar cluster NGC 3324 at the northwestern periphery of the Carina nebula complex. The aim of the... -
CANDELS H-Band Selected Chandra Source Catalog
Improving the capabilities of detecting faint X-ray sources is fundamental to increase the statistics on faint high-z AGN and star-forming galaxies. The authors performed a... -
CALET Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Master Catalog
The CALGBMMSTR database table records high-level information of the observations obtained with the CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM), the second scientific payload on the... -
CALET CHarge Detector (CHD) Master Catalog
The CALCHDMSTR database table records high-level information of the lightcurves obtained with the CHarge Detector (CHD), the top layer of the calorimeter instrument on the... -
Catalog of AGN in the XMM-Newton Archive
This table comprises CAIXA, the "Catalog of AGN In the XMM-Newton Archive". It consists of all the radio-quiet, X-ray unobscured (N<sub>H</sub> < 2 x... -
Bright Star Catalog
The BSC5P database table contains data derived from the Bright Star Catalog, 5th Edition, preliminary, which is widely used as a source of basic astronomical and astrophysical...