94 datasets found

Keywords: brown dwarfs

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  • UCD Benchmarks with Detailed Abundances

    Ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) are considered prime targets for galactic archeology due to their abundance, long lifespans, and the sensitivity of their spectra to chemical...
  • (Sub)Stellar companions of exoplanet hosts

    We present the latest results of an ongoing multiplicity survey of exoplanet hosts, which was initiated at the Astrophysical Institute and University Observatory Jena, using...
  • VISTA and Subaru/HSC obs. of Upper Scorpius

    We aim at identifying very low-mass isolated planetary-mass member candidates in the nearest OB association to the Sun, Upper Scorpius (145pc; 5-10Myr), to constrain the form...
  • Ultracool dwarfs in ALHAMBRA and COSMOS

    Ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) encompass a wide variety of compact stellar-like objects with spectra classified as late-M, L, T, and Y. Most of them have been discovered using...
  • Ultracool dwarfs in wide binaries

    We present the discovery of 255 binary and 6 multiple system candidates with wide (>5arcsec) separation composed by ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) companions to stars, plus nine...
  • Brown dwarf population in NGC 2264

    The brown dwarf population in the canonical star-forming region NGC 2264 is so far poorly explored. We present a deep, multiwavelength, multiepoch survey of the star-forming...
  • Classification of elusive astronomical objects

    The application of machine learning principles in the photometric search of elusive astronomical objects has been a less-explored frontier of research. Here, we have used three...
  • The Gaia ultracool dwarf sample

    We identify and investigate known late M, L, and T dwarfs in the Gaia second data release. This sample is being used as a training set in the Gaia data processing chain of the...
  • Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool objects

    We present new results from the Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool dwarfs program to measure parallaxes, proper motions and multiepoch photometry of L and early T dwarfs. The...
  • Log of SALT-RSS observations

    New spectra of 81 ultracool dwarfs (spectral types M7 and later) are discussed. Spectral classifications of 49 objects are available in the literature, while 32 objects are...
  • SHELLQs. XVI. New quasars at 5.8<z<7

    We present the spectroscopic discovery of 69 quasars at 5.8<z<7.0, drawn from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program (SSP) imaging survey data. This is the...
  • BDKP. V. Radial & rot. velocities of M, L, T dwarfs

    We report multiepoch radial velocities, rotational velocities, and atmospheric parameters for 37 T-type brown dwarfs observed with Keck/NIRSPEC. Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo...
  • A full-sky census of brown dwarfs within 20pc

    We present final Spitzer trigonometric parallaxes for 361 L, T, and Y dwarfs. We combine these with prior studies to build a list of 525 known L, T, and Y dwarfs within 20pc of...
  • Parallaxes of late-T and Y dwarfs

    We present preliminary trigonometric parallaxes of 184 late-T and Y dwarfs using observations from Spitzer (143), the U.S. Naval Observatory (18), the New Technology Telescope...
  • Catalog of M, L, & T dwarfs from PS1 3{pi} Survey

    We present a catalog of 9888 M, L and T dwarfs detected in the Pan-STARRS1 3{pi} Survey (PS1), covering three-quarters of the sky. Our catalog contains nearly all known objects...
  • An updated distance-calibrated SED of Gl 229B

    We present results from an atmospheric retrieval analysis of Gl 229B using the Brewster retrieval code. We find the best fit model to be cloud-free, consistent with the T dwarf...
  • H-band polarization around YSOs & BDs

    Wide-field near-infrared (NIR) polarimetry was used to examine disk systems around two brown dwarfs (BDs) and two young stellar objects (YSOs) embedded in the Heiles Cloud 2...
  • Beyond the local volume. I. HST ultracool dwarfs

    Ultracool dwarf stars and brown dwarfs provide a unique probe of large-scale Galactic structure and evolution; however, until recently spectroscopic samples of sufficient size,...
  • Discovery of an L dwarf co-moving BD+60 1417

    Through the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 citizen science project we discovered a late-type L dwarf co-moving with the young K0 star BD+60 1417 at a projected separation of 37" or...
  • SED models of brown dwarf protoplanetary disks

    We present the largest sample of brown dwarf (BD) protoplanetary disk spectral energy distributions modeled to date. We compile 49 objects with ALMA observations from four...
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