Digital Bills of Rights


A coding of charters, declarations and other normative policy documents in the field of digital governance and digital rights that make up the distinct category of “digital bills of rights”. 321 individual documents (between <1 and 386 pages in length) from the years 1992 to 2023 (coded versions) were hand-coded for 19 meta codes and 69 substantial codes. This data allows inter alia to compare and analyze relative frequencies of document occurrence (e.g. geographical origin, proponent type) and substantial codings (rights and principles such as privacy and network neutrality), including over time. Keywords: Digital bills of rights, Bill of rights, Digital constitutionalism, Digital rights, Human rights, Digital governance, Internet governance, Artificial intelligence

Total Universe / Complete enumeration



Metadata Access
Creator Redeker, Dennis; Palladino, Nicola; Celeste, Edoardo; Santaniello, Mauro; Padovani, Claudia
Publisher GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences; GESIS Datenarchiv für Sozialwissenschaften
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference [European Commission, Project "Reignite Multilaterism via Technology" ("REMIT", 2023-2027) funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 101094228; [=] Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg, Germany; [=] Freie Hansestadt Bremen under the special Bremen-Fonds research program 2022 (Impulse funding line), Germany; [=] Freie Hansestadt Bremen to support activities with connection to “Young Universities for Europe” (YUFE); [=] Facebook Research as part of the "Content Governance Research Award” for the project “Digital constitutionalism: In search of a content governance standard”]
Rights Embargo (maximum 2 years) - The research data and related documents can be put under an embargo for a maximum of two years. Metadata will be published in any case. The data will automatically be published after the expiration of the embargo period. The availability of the data after the embargo period can be specified in the next step.; Embargo (maximal 2 Jahre) - Die Forschungsdaten und alle weiteren hochgeladenen Dateien können mit einer maximalen Embargofrist von zwei Jahren versehen werden. Die Metadaten zu den Forschungsdaten werden in jedem Fall sofort veröffentlicht. Nach Ablauf der Embargofrist erfolgt eine automatische Publikation der hochgeladenen Dateien unter den im nächsten Schritt festzulegenden Bedingungen.
OpenAccess true
Discipline Social Sciences