Tabular data from the Blue Arrows troops, Corpo Truppe Volontarie / Dades tab...
[ENG] This data set has been developed with the aim of exploring the historical and spatial context of the Battle of Turó del Balís (Maresme), comparing this confrontation with... -
Pre-Trained Artificial Intelligence-Aided Analysis of Nanoparticles Using the...
Complex structures can be understood as compositions of smaller, more basic elements. The characterization of these structures requires an analysis of their constituents and... -
Robottien hyväksyminen ja sosiaaliset prosessit: Yhdysvallat, tammikuu 2019
Aineisto käsittelee yhdysvaltalaisten mielipiteitä ja suhtautumista robotteihin sekä sitä, miten vuorovaikutus muuttuu, kun ihminen korvataan robotilla. Aineisto kerättiin osana... -
Robottien hyväksyminen ja sosiaaliset prosessit: Yhdysvallat, huhtikuu 2019
Aineisto käsittelee yhdysvaltalaisten mielipiteitä ja suhtautumista robotteihin sekä sitä, miten vuorovaikutus muuttuu, kun ihminen korvataan robotilla. Aineisto kerättiin osana... -
Robottien hyväksyminen, sosiaaliset prosessit ja tunteet: Yhdysvallat 2020
Aineisto käsittelee yhdysvaltalaisten mielipiteitä ja suhtautumista robotteihin sekä sitä, miten vuorovaikutus muuttuu, kun ihminen korvataan robotilla. Aineisto kerättiin osana... -
EVAn Arvo- ja asennetutkimus kevät 2022
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten arvoja ja asenteita. Tällä kertaa teemoina ovat turvallisuus ja erilaisiin uhkiin varautuminen, Suomen mahdollinen liittyminen... -
Digital Bills of Rights
A coding of charters, declarations and other normative policy documents in the field of digital governance and digital rights that make up the distinct category of “digital... -
Interviews about science journalism and AI
This dataset consists of an interview scheme, codebook and anonymized transcripts of interviews conducted with journalists from Europe about the quality of science journalism... -
Data set academia and policy domain AI in the energy sector
Data set containing analysis of academic articles and Dutch and EU policy documents regarding AI in the energy sector. Date: 2022-07-31 (data set creation) -
When the Virtual Becomes Reality: An Environmental Scan of the Presence of Vi...
The author’s interest in the subject matter of this paper was peaked during a Grand Rounds presentation at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in September 2017, lead by a junior... -
Code/Syntax: Künstliche Intelligenz am Arbeitsplatz
In der aktuellen Debatte um Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird oft ein radikaler Wandel der Arbeitswelt erwartet, der auch die Arbeitsqualität betrifft. Dabei stehen bisher vielen... -
Syntetiska bilder av koraller (Desmophyllum pertusum) med objektigenkänningmo...
Two object detection models using Darknet/YOLOv4 were trained on images of the coral Desmophyllum pertusum from the Kosterhavet National Park. In one of the models, the training... -
Replication data for : Deep in situ microscopy for real-time analysis of mamm...
This repository regroups data associated with the manuscript entitled "Deep in situ microscopy for real-time analysis of mammalian cell populations in bioreactors". In this... -
Jerico-S3 TNA access data- Fibre-optic Intelligent Submarine High-Fidelity En...
The main objective of this access was to demonstrate the use of fibre optics and artificial intelligence to unobtrusively record data on a variety of marine processes within the... -
List of publications for systematic literature review
The Weaponization of artificial intelligence (AI) is upending traditional warfare as the development of autonomous weapons systems (AWS) increases in pace and sophistication. As... -
The areas of concern of systematic literature review
The Weaponization of artificial intelligence (AI) is upending traditional warfare as the development of autonomous weapons systems (AWS) increases in pace and sophistication. As... -
Coral fragments health and growth in the Reefscapers propagation project in t...
The Reefscapers program is a coral restoration initiative to help reef recovery in the Maldives. It started in 2001, and is most active since the 2015-2016 mass bleaching event.... -
Simulating solvation and acidity in complex mixtures with first-principles ac...
Set of inputs to perform the calculations reported in the paper. The i-pi input enables to perform molecular dynamics / metadynamics / REMD / PIMD simulations, with adequate... -
Simulating solvation and acidity in complex mixtures with first-principles ac...
Set of inputs to perform the calculations reported in the paper. The i-pi input enables to perform molecular dynamics / metadynamics / REMD / PIMD simulations, with adequate... -
Simulating solvation and acidity in complex mixtures with first-principles ac...
Set of inputs to perform the calculations reported in the paper. The i-pi input enables to perform molecular dynamics / metadynamics / REMD / PIMD simulations, with adequate...