COROP data Nederland 1988
To provide key data at COROP level for the period 1970-1980. This nucleus is part of a European project to provide such data for a number of countries. As part of the European... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 2000 - SOCON 2000
Social relevance of Christian religion in the Netherlands. Social characteristics / intimate relationships / division of care and household work / education / employment /... -
Loopbaanonderzoek onder Wageningse ingenieurs 1973,1978,1983,1988,1992
Career of engineers, graduated at the Wageningen Agricultural University. Graduation year and study program, tropical orientation included or not / writing a dissertation /... -
Demotivatie bij leraren 1984
Survey on extent and causes of burnout and de-motivation of teachers in secondary education. Emotional exhaustion ( burnout ) as a result of teaching, reduction of motivation /... -
Sociale problematiek van de ex-danser 1972-1979
Study of experiences of professional dancers who had to stop dancing because of their age and look for other work. Mail survey: vocational dance training / general schooling and... -
Funkties en carrierepatronen van ekonomen 1968
Job opportunities for economists / occupational history and job structure / social background / interest in post-graduate course / motivation for occupational choice. Background... -
Leefsituatie onderzoek, 1974 - LSO'74
Number of persons in the house / space / quality / facilities / problems with domestic work / presence of garden / terrace / park in neighbourhood / possibilities for shopping /... -
Sociaal-Culturele Ontwikkelingen in Nederland, SOCON panel 2005-2007
Respondents of the cross-sectional, nationally representative 2005 SOCON survey were reapproached in 2007. Data contain variables on demographics, education and occupation,... -
Wethouders in Nederland 1979
Aspects of role and position of the alderman in municipality: position and functioning alderman in general/ material aspects of position of alderman/ other activities springing... -
Organisatiestruktuur en sociaal milieu in zwakzinnigen inrichtingen 1970
Social versus instrumental leadership / perceived versus ideal power and consultancy structure / image of the organization / involvement / communications and coordination /... -
Ervaringen van gebruikers met automatisering in de dienstensector 1985
Evaluation of impact of automation in service industries. Involvement with introduction of automation / additional skills / changes in work, working conditions, employment /... -
Sociaal-Culturele Ontwikkelingen in Nederland, SOCON panel 2000-2007
Respondents of the cross-sectional, nationally representative 2000 SOCON survey were reapproached in 2007. Data contain variables on demographics, education and occupation,... -
Orientaties op arbeid en vrije tijd 1970
The meaning of labour and leisure, labour versus leisure. Importance of different aspects of work / social and moral values / hedonism, conservatism, work ethics, duty versus... -
Vervroegde pensionering mijnwerkers 1971
Men: job and pension / additional jobs / way of spending time, satisfaction with it / membership of organizations / clubs / hobbies / giving up of activities for financial... -
Advertentie-analyse sociologen 1970
Newspaper or periodical / type, sector of organization / name and content of function / required specializations and capacities / age limits / starting salary. -
Artsen over beroep en organisatie 1981-1982
Facts or factors influencing the degree of organization of the Dutch medical doctors professional association KNMG and attitudes towards the profession, especially part-time... -
Levensloop en carriere
Survey about educational and occupational career detailed questions about occupation of father when respondent was born and when respondent was twelve years old / dates... -
Kleine middenstand in Nederland 1970 : Een vergelijkende studie tussen de oud...
Evaluation by small shopkeepers ( retail tradesmen and artisans ) of the meaning of being independent in a society which is becoming more and more a society of employees and of... -
Werkloosheid in oude stadswijken 1982
Social position and behaviour on the labour market of the unemployed living in old town districts, in particular the position of ethnic minorities. Occupational career /... -
Sociale akademie en beroepspraktijk 1971
Social workers leadership / management / study specialization / type of job / number of staff-members / task description of social work / most important aim of social work /...