Microdataset of Social Statistics for Development of Microsimulation Model 2007 was prepared by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia for the needs of the development of microsimulation model for modeling effects of tax legislation changes, social transfers changes and health legislation changes. The simple random sample includes 40 thousand households with 112.839 persons. It consists of data which are merged from several data collections for 2007 and some additional Census 2002 variables. The administrative data used originate from various administrative sources of institutions of the Republic of Slovenia, such us Ministry of the Interior, The Surveying and Mapping Authority, Ministry of Labour, Family and Social affairs, Tax Administration, Pension and Disability Insurance Institute, Employment Service, Healthcare Institute and Health Insurance Institute. In addition to that, statistical register and statistical research data of the Statistical Office were used.
Compilation/SynthesisEditing, linking and processing administrative data.CompilationSynthesis