Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2001/1


Vprašalnik je v celoti posvečen dvema nosilnima temama. Začenja se z vprašanjem o problemih, ki se zdijo intervjuvancu za Slovenijo najbolj pereči. Nadaljuje se z vprašanji, ki zadevajo spremljanje informativnih oddaj in prebiranje tiskanih medijev. V drugem bloku so vprašanja o intervjuvančevi sreči, zadovoljstvu z življenjem in demokracijo, oceni stanja gospodarstva v Sloveniji, vprašanja o preživljanju prostega časa in dve vprašanji, ki zadevata vrednotenje slovenstva in tradicije oz. modernosti. Tretji blok vsebuje vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na stališča o Evropi in Evropski uniji. Med drugim je tukaj najti vprašanja o informiranju o EU, o zanimanju zanjo, o posledicah in o odnosu intervjuvanca do pridruževanja Slovenije. V četrtem bloku so vprašanja iz projekta s podporo EU "Gospodinjstva, delo in fleksibilnost" o delovni aktivnosti intervjuvanca in njegove družine. Med drugim je tukaj najti vprašanja o virih dohodka, ekonomskih aktivnostih intervjuvanca in njihovem številu, razporedu delovnega časa, zadovoljstvu z delovno aktivnostjo in vprašanja o delovnih aktivnostih ostalih članov gospodinjstva. Vprašalnik se končuje z blokom demografskih vprašanj.

The questionnaire is put together of five blocs of questions, among others two larger ones, "The opinions of Slovenians on approaching the European Union" and "The international research on working activities". The questionnaire starts with the question on problems deemed the most urgent for Slovenia by the interviewee. It continues with questions on the news attendance, and reading of printed media. In the second bloc, there are questions on happiness of the interviewee, on her/his satisfaction with life and democracy, the assessments of condition of Slovenian economy, questions on the way leisure time is spent, and two questions in relation to evaluation of Slovenia hood and tradition, i.e. modernity. The third bloc contains questions on Europe and European Union. Among others, questions on informing on the EU, on interest for the EU, on consequences and attitude of the interviewee to joining of Slovenia. In the fourth bloc, there are questions from EU funded project Households, Work and Flexibility, on sources of income, economic activities of the interviewee and their number, working hours schemes, on satisfaction with the working activity, and questions on working activities of the other members of household. The Project aim is "to look at how different kinds of work are combined within households and how social and labour market policies in different countries affect this. With debates about flexibility taking place in many European countries, the project considers what effects different policies regarding flexible employment might have for the daily lives of people and families. An important aspect of this is the gendered division of work both inside and outside of the home and the combinations of paid and unpaid work. The different countries represented in the project provide contrasting examples of different approaches to flexibility and also the possibility of and East/West comparison." Questionnaire ends with the bloc of demographic questions.

Verjetnostno: po skupinah: stratificirano slučajnoProbability.Cluster.StratifiedRandom

Probability: Cluster: Stratified randomProbability.Cluster.StratifiedRandom

Osebni intervju: PAPIInterview.FaceToFace.PAPI

Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Toš, Niko
Publisher Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov; Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za informiranje; Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport; Slovenia's Government Public Relations and Media Office; Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Rights ADP, 2024; Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.; The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type ŠtevilskiNumeric; NumericNumeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Ozemlje Republike Slovenije; Territory of the Republic of Slovenia; Slovenija; Slovenia