Air quality valuation using online surveys in three Asian megacities
This data is from an internet survey of 4,500 individuals from the cities of Jakarta, Beijing, and Delhi. The surveys were conducted around early-2019. The survey contains... -
Nationella miljöhälsoenkäten 1999
The environmental health survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of... -
Nationella miljöhälsoenkäten 2007
The environmental health survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of... -
Internationella förhandlingsbarometern
The International Negotiations Survey is a research program with the aim to advance interdisciplinary knowledge using questionnaire data collected at international negotiations.... -
Nationella miljöhälsoenkäten 2015
The environmental health survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1998
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the thirteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Air quality valuation using online surveys in three Asian megacities
This data is from an internet survey of 4,500 individuals from the cities of Jakarta, Beijing, and Delhi. The surveys were conducted around early-2019. The survey contains... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1998
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the thirteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Air quality valuation using online surveys in three Asian megacities
This data is from an internet survey of 4,500 individuals from the cities of Jakarta, Beijing, and Delhi. The surveys were conducted around early-2019. The survey contains... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1998
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the thirteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute...