Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC)
The SNSF Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC) study tracks the careers of applicants for the postdoctoral career funding schemes of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). These... -
Entscheidungsträger der Schweizer Politik auf Bundesebene: Sekundärstatistisc...
Ziel des Projektes war die Analyse politischer Entscheidungsprozesse im vorparlamentarischen Bereich auf Bundesebene in der Schweiz. Neben dem Ablauf von Entscheidungsprozessen... -
Swiss Preferences for Candidates with Different Class Profiles
Relying on experimental as well as observational methods, the project sought to assess the importance of alternative explanations of why it is that most members of parliament... -
L'élite politique féminine en Suisse - 1986
En 1979, lorsque le premier rapport de la Commission fédérale pour les questions féminines fut publié, le nombre des mandats politiques confiés aux Suissesses y était estimé à... -
Befragung der Entscheidungsträger der Schweizer Politik zu Themen wie Gesetzg...
Ziel des Projektes war die Analyse politischer Entscheidungsprozesse im vorparlamentarischen Bereich auf Bundesebene in der Schweiz. Neben dem Ablauf von Entscheidungsprozessen... -
Student Interval Study Achievement Junior Cadre Studies Leadership (NWK-Lead...
Development of leader readiness and leader capabilities among students with particularly strong achievements and capable of leadership activities. Topics: Education path to high... -
COCOPS Executive Survey on Public Sector Reform in Europe – Views and Experie...
The COCOPS Executive Survey on Public Sector Reform in Europe is a survey of public sector senior executives in twenty European countries. The survey provides quantitative data... -
COCOPS Executive Survey on Public Sector Reform in Europe – Views and Experie...
The COCOPS Executive Survey on Public Sector Reform in Europe is a survey of public sector senior executives in twenty European countries. The survey provides quantitative data... -
Cohesion in Diversity. Diversity Barometer 2019 of the Robert Bosch Stiftung
The survey explored attitudes towards increasing diversity in German society and how individuals deal with it. The focus was on the importance of acceptance of diversity for... -
FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study
The study programme “FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel” is a cooperative project of the German Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), GESIS – Leibniz... -
Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC)
The SNSF Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC) study tracks the careers of applicants for the postdoctoral career funding schemes of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). These... -
Entretiens semi-directifs avec les hauts fonctionnaires (1980)
Les hauts fonctionnaires de la Confédération helvétique constituent une élite non seulement du fait de leur position au sommet de la hiérarchie administrative, mais aussi parce... -
Top manager and board members in financial firms and non-financial firms for ...
Im Zuge der Finanzialisierung der Wirtschaft seit den 1980er Jahren haben Top-Manager von Investmentbanken, Investmentfonds und Investitionsgesellschaften an Einfluss gewonnen.... -
Swiss Preferences for Candidates with Different Class Profiles
Relying on experimental as well as observational methods, the project sought to assess the importance of alternative explanations of why it is that most members of parliament... -
Befragung der Entscheidungsträger der Schweizer Politik zu Themen wie Gesetzg...
The aim of the project was the analysis of political decision-making processes in the pre-parliamentary domain at the federal level in Switzerland. In addition to the procedures... -
L'élite politique féminine en Suisse - 1986
In 1979, when the first report of the Federal Commission for Women's Issues (FCWI) was published, the number of political mandates conferred on Swiss women was estimated at... -
Entscheidungsträger der Schweizer Politik auf Bundesebene: Sekundärstatistisc...
The aim of the project was the analysis of political decision-making processes in the pre-parliamentary domain at the federal level in Switzerland. In addition to the procedures... -
The European Elite Panel Study (1956, Germany)
Attitudes of German elites to loss of national power after the war and judgement on current international political events. Topics: Attitude to development and control of... -
The European Elite Panel Study (1961, Germany)
Attitudes of German elites to loss of national power after the war and judgement on current international political events. Topics: Judgement on the conflict between the EEC... -
The European Elite Panel Study (1965, Germany)
Attitudes of German elites to loss of national power after the war and judgement on current international political events. Topics: Judgement on the current situation of...