Flash Eurobarometer 187 (Innobarometer 2006)
Companies operating in clusters. Topics: geographically close linkages with suppliers and service providers; cooperation with other firms, universities, or administrative bodies... -
Flash Eurobarometer 212 (Attitudes towards the planned EU pilot project "Eras...
Attitudes of representatives of start-up counselling and support organisations towards the planned EU pilot project ´Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs´. Topics: 1. Information... -
Flash Eurobarometer 243 (Consumers’ views on switching service providers)
Service provider change. Topics: use of the following products and services: current bank account, savings or investments, mortgage credit, long-term credit, car insurance, home... -
Flash Eurobarometer 256 (Europeans’ attitudes towards the issue of sustainabl...
Attitudes towards sustainable consumption and production. Topics: self-rated knowledge about environmental impact of personally used products; importance of each of the... -
The Role of Women in the Informal sector: The Case of Ajegunle, Nigeria
Living conditions, occupational activities and financial position of women in the informal sector. Topics: knowledge of the Cardoso Center and its activities; interest in... -
The Socioeconomic Role of the Small Businesswoman in the Informal Sector in ...
Living conditions and economic activities of small business women in the informal sector. Topics: number of children; number of children in the household; number of employed... -
Structures and Functions of the Informal Sectors in Ghana
General and financial situation as well as problems of companies in the informal sector. Topics: region and land of origins; ethnic group affiliation; marital status;... -
Small-Scale Industries and Economic Development in Ghana: Business Behavior ...
Situation and problems of small businesses in Ghana. Topics: location and area of the business; year of founding and business founder; frequency of change of location and... -
The Chilean Coast Cordilleras: Rural Poverty and Resource Degradation
Rural poverty and resource degradation in the Minifundien areas. Topics: distance to Curepto; age and length of school attendance by parents; parents´ ability to read and... -
Lines of Conflict of Egyptian Society 1986-1988: Remigration, Segregation, I...
Family and financial situation of returned migrants as well as their housing situation. Information on labor migration, job satisfaction and working conditions during migration... -
Microenterprise Finance in Indonesia
Einkommen und Ausgaben, Finanzierungsquellen und -verwendung unter ländlichen Kleinunternehmern. Stadt; Stadtbezirk; Provinz; Geschlecht; Anzahl der Haushaltsmitglieder... -
Small-Scale Manufacturing and Repair Activities in the Urban Area of Techima...
Situation and activities of small businesses in Ghana. Topics: building structure and site of business; ownership of land or property; main activities of the business; owner´s... -
Small-Scale Enterprises in the Informal Sector in Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso
Problems of small-scale enterprises in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Issues: Description of trade; kind of working place; size of ground and outlets/stalls; manufactured goods;... -
Small-Scale Enterprises in the Informal Sector in Dakar, Senegal
Problems of small-scale enterprises in Dakar, Senegal. Issues: Part of town; kind and size of working place; size of ground and outlets/stalls; year of migration to Dakar;... -
Microenterprises among Village Women in Tanzania
Entrepreneurial activities of village women in Tanzania. Issues: Years of education; occupation and occupational skills; self-assessment of the level of one`s own skills; main... -
Socio-Economic Development and Importance of Small-scale Manufacturing Enterp...
The present study examines the socio-economic development and importance of small manufacturing companies in Malaysia. For this purpose, Malaysian entrepreneurs were interviewed... -
Flash Eurobarometer 278 (Business Attitudes Towards Enforcement and Redress ...
Business attitudes towards consumer legislation. Product safety. Consumer authorities. Topics: self-rated knowledge about legal obligations towards consumers arising from... -
Flash Eurobarometer 282 (Attitudes Towards Cross-border Sales and Consumer Pr...
Consumer behaviour and consumer protection in selected areas. Topics: difficulty to compare offers with regard to a current bank account; switch of current bank account in the... -
Nutzung von Informationstechnologien in Unternehmen - 1998
Der Einsatz von Medien der Telekommunikation in verschiedenen Bereichen der Wirtschaft und im Privaten führt zu veränderten Beziehungen zwischen Wirtschaftseinheiten und...