VALU 1994 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning riksdagsvalet 1994
The first Swedish exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the elections in 1991, and it was followed by a similar survey in 1994. Voters leaving the polling stations... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1995
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the tenth survey... -
Svensk valundersökning 1994
This is the thirteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or... -
SIFO-barometer 1967-1997
Compilation of SIFO-surveys Sammanställning av flera SIFO-undersökningar -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1996
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eleventh... -
VALU 1998 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning riksdagsvalet 1998
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the parliamentary election on September 20 1998. Earlier exit poll surveys has been carried out in connection with the... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1997
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the twelfth survey... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1998
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the thirteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1999
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the thirteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Svensk valundersökning 1998
This is the fourteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or... -
Svensk valundersökning panel 1998-2002
This is the fourteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or... -
Svensk valundersökning 2002
This is the fifteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2003
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eighteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
VALU 2006 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning riksdagsvalet 2006
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the parliamentary election on September 17, 2006. In VALU - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling stations... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2005
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the twentieth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2006
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the twentyfirst survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Svensk valundersökning 2006
This is the sixteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2007
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
Svensk valundersökning 2010
This is the seventeenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2008
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics...