MOSAiCH 2021. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland....
MOSAiCH is a cross-sectional survey that focuses on the Swiss population’s values and attitudes toward a wide range of social issues. The thematic focus of the 2021 edition lies... -
Autoremission: Textdaten und visuelle Daten der SelbstheilerInnen (1988 - 2002)
The aim of the study is to find the triggers for so-called "self-healing" of alcohol and opiate addicts and to clarify which conditions are particularly conducive to the... -
Spielsperre als Massnahme des Spielerschutzes 2019 bis 2022
Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Studie wurde das Glücksspielverbot als Massnahme des Spielerschutzes untersucht. In einer Längsschnittstudie wurden gesperrte Spieler über einen... -
Psychobiologische Auswirkungen von Unterrichtsstörungen auf Lehrpersonen (PAU...
Teachers are more likely than average to suffer from mental disorders and psychosomatic illnesses. They experience disruptions of teaching by students (hereinafter referred to... -
Survey on the Size and Structure of the Swiss Occupational Therapy Workforce
In order to plan and implement effective measures to counter staff shortages among OTs in Switzerland, empirical data on the size and structure of the Swiss occupational therapy... -
Consommation de psychotropes à l'Université de Lausanne en 2019
This study looks at the factors that determine the use of drugs and psychotropic substances among students at the University of Lausanne. The data were collected by Master's... -
L'activité des praticiens formateurs et praticiennes formatrices HES-SO dans ...
The SNSF research programme no. 100019 _ 185466, which will run from 2019 to 2023, is part of the Swiss context of UAS vocational training organised on the basis of sandwich... -
Das Gesundheitsverhalten Schweizer Schüler - 1986
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Das Gesundheitsverhalten Schweizer Schüler - 1990
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Risikoverhalten: Schriftliche Befragung von Jugendlichen an deutschsprachigen...
The project archived under reference number 5368 (data for the 2nd pre-measurement and for the final measurement) was supplemented by data from the study FORSbase nr. 1682 (1st... -
Panelstudie zum Risikoverhalten Jugendlicher in der Stadt Freiburg, 1., 2. Vo...
The project archived under reference number 5368 (data for the 2nd pre-measurement and for the final measurement) was supplemented by data from the study FORSbase nr. 1682 (1st... -
Comportement des écoliers suisses en matière de santé - 2002
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Befragung von Rekruten sowie 20-jährigen der Schweizerischen Wohnbevölkerung ...
Das Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin erhielt von der «Eidgenössischen Jugend- und Rekrutenbefragung ch-x» den Auftrag, eine Befragung mit dem Titel «Befragung über... -
Comportement des écoliers suisses en matière de santé - 2006
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête sur la santé, l'environnement et la politique - 2011
Named MOSAiCH since 2005, this project carries out the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) and Eurobarometer surveys in Switzerland every second year. The survey is... -
Pilote suisse ISSP 2011 : Santé - Enquête sur la santé et les politiques de s...
The ISSP HEALTH PILOT survey is the pilot survey of the 2011 International Social Survey Program (ISSP) module on health, health policies and inequalities in health. The ISSP... -
European Social Survey, Switzerland - 2014
Der "European Social Survey" (ESS, http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org) ist eine internationale Befragung mit dem Ziel, die Meinungen und Haltungen der europäischen Bevölkerung... -
Swiss nurses’ career paths - nurses at work - n@w - 2014
Insufficient nursing staff levels have been shown to have a negative impact on the quality of care, increasing patient morbidity and mortality. In order to address the issue of... -
Comportement des écoliers suisses en matière de santé - 1994
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Comportements de santé des élèves suisses - 2010
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old....