SHP_IV Pilot Waves 1-2
In preparation of the next refreshment sample of the Swiss Household Panel (the SHP_IV, to start in 2020), the SHP ran a two-wave pilot study in 2018 and 2019 to test... -
Daten von Berner und Deutschschweizer Lehrpersonen und sonderpädagogischen Fa...
With the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2014, Switzerland also committed itself to establish an inclusive education... -
Autoremission: Textdaten und visuelle Daten der SelbstheilerInnen (1988 - 2002)
The aim of the study is to find the triggers for so-called "self-healing" of alcohol and opiate addicts and to clarify which conditions are particularly conducive to the... -
Making Sense of Segregation in Public Space. Intercept survey and structured ...
Encounters with strangers and exposure to difference are specific urban qualities. The common narrative frames this diversity as positive, desirable and essentially urban, even... -
Making Sense of Segregation in Public Space. Semi-structured interviews: perc...
Encounters with strangers and exposure to difference are specific urban qualities. The common narrative frames this diversity as positive, desirable and essentially urban, even... -
BILANZ – SwissRichListDataset 1989-2020
We present a new panel dataset built based on Swiss rich lists published in the BILANZ business magazine over the period, covering the period 1989-2020. Based on this dataset,... -
Lebensbedingungen in der Schweiz - 1999 (ISSP 1999)
Within the framework of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), comparative international data surveys on various topics are carried out at regular intervals. In 1999,... -
Lebensbedigungen und soziale Ungleichheit in der Schweiz - 2000
Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, Stand und Verteilung der materiellen Lebensbedingungen sowie Muster der subjektiven Lebensformen und Lebensqualität für die Schweiz im... -
Wahrnehmung der sozialen Ungleichheit in der Schweiz - 1999
Within the framework of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), comparative international data surveys on various topics are carried out at regular intervals. In 1999,... -
Prekäre Lebenslagen. Subjektive Bewertungen und Handlungsstrategien in Hausha...
It is estimated that half of the people and households who live in precarious financial circumstances and are entitled to assistance do not claim social benefits. Why they... -
Gemeinderesultate der eidgenössischen Volksabstimmungen im Zeitraum von 1945 ...
Das wichtigste Ziel des Projektes war es, Wandel und Persistenz im weltanschaulichen Gefüge der Schweiz zu erforschen, auf ihre sozialen und kulturellen Ursachen zurückzuführen... -
Attitudes extrémistes, xénophobes et misanthropes en Suisse: une étude explor...
The aim of the study is to develop a monitoring instrument that assesses right-wing extremism, xenophobia and misanthropy in the attitudes of the Swiss population. This... -
European Social Survey, Switzerland - 2008
The ESS survey (European Social Survey, http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org) emerged from the need to obtain comparative data in Europe on a number of issues concerning... -
Umfrage zu Rassismus, Xenophobie, Antisemitismus und Muslimfeindlichkeit - 20...
Rassismus wird als eine menschenverachtende Wahrnehmung von Individuen aufgrund biologischer oder kultureller Merkmale verstanden, die über das Individuum hinausgehend... -
Living in Switzerland Waves 1-24 (including a long file) + Covid 19 data
Collecting data on households and individuals since 1999, the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is an ongoing, unique, large-scale, nationally representative, longitudinal study in... -
SHP Vaud Waves 1-6
The principal aim of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is to observe social change, in particular the dynamics of changing living conditions and representations in the population... -
LIVES FORS Cohort Survey Waves 1-7
The principal aim of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is to observe social change, in particular the dynamics of changing living conditions and representations in the population... -
Daten von Berner und Deutschschweizer Lehrpersonen und sonderpädagogischen Fa...
Mit der Ratifizierung der UN-Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen (UN-BRK) im Jahr 2014 hat sich auch die Schweiz verpflichtet, ein inklusives... -
Living in Switzerland Waves 1-23 + Covid 19 data + Beta version wave 24
Collecting data on households and individuals since 1999, the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is an ongoing, unique, large-scale, nationally representative, longitudinal study in... -
Living in Switzerland Waves 1-23 + Covid 19 data
Collecting data on households and individuals since 1999, the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is an ongoing, unique, large-scale, nationally representative, longitudinal study in...