Student basket


Survey gives insight on socioeconomic position of student and his/hers family and relationship between them. It research's structure and sort of students expenditure and income. Additionally questions about School fees, military service and estimation of the quality of study at University of Ljubljana were asked. Purpose of study is ascertainment of condition of social situation of students.

Non-probability: QuotaNonprobability.Quota

Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI

Metadata Access
Creator Vukovič, Andrej; Povh, Tamara
Publisher Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Študentska organizacija Univerze v Ljubljani
Rights ADP, 2024; The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type NumericNumeric
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Ljubljana; Slovenia