Loopbaanonderzoek onder Wageningse ingenieurs 1973,1978,1983,1988,1992
Career of engineers, graduated at the Wageningen Agricultural University. Graduation year and study program, tropical orientation included or not / writing a dissertation /... -
Corpus for identifying sex education concepts SemSex 1.0
The SemSex corpus is designed to facilitate the automated recognition of sexual education concepts within curriculum description documents. The corpus contains two components:... -
Slovenian-English glossary of education
The glossary, which contains 1028 dictionary entries, is a terminological collection of Slovenian terms with English equivalents in the field of education. The collection was... -
Pretrained models for recognising sex education concepts SemSEX 1.0
Pretrained language models for detecting and classifying the presence of sex education concepts in Slovene curriculum documents. The models are PyTorch neural network models,... -
The STYX system is an electronic exercise book for practising Czech morphology and syntax consisting of more than 11, 000 sentences. -
Corpus of Czech educational texts for readability studies, with paraphrases, measured reading comprehension, and a multi-annotator subjective rating of selected text features... -
EdUKate Czech-Ukrainian translation model 2024
This package includes Czech-to-Ukrainian translation model adapted for the educational domain. The model is exported into the TensorFlow Serving format (using Tensor2tensor... -
LiFR-Lite (2021-11-05)
Corpus of Czech educational texts for readability studies, with paraphrases, measured reading comprehension, and a multi-annotator subjective rating of selected text features... -
ifo Education Survey (2018) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2018) - versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2021) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2021) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2020) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2020) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2019) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2019) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2017) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2017) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2016) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2016) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2015) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2015) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2014) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2014) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
UCL ECJ Building Hope Conference Presentation
This is the speaker presentation deck of the UCL ECJ Building Hope Conference held on 20 September 2024 (#UCLBuildingHope2024). -
Maribor area study, 1987
S pomočjo vprašalnika so naročniki želeli raziskati mnenje Mariborčanov o uvedbi četrtega samoprispevka, namenjenega predvsem (do)graditvi nekaterih oddelkov mariborske... -
Microdataset of Social Statistics for Development of Microsimulation Model, 2007
Mikropodatkovna baza socialnih statistik za razvoj mikrosimulacijskega modela 2007 je bila na Statističnem uradu Republike Slovenije pripravljena za potrebe razvoja... -
Microdataset of Social Statistics for Development of Microsimulation Model, 2010
Mikropodatkovna baza socialnih statistik za razvoj mikrosimulacijskega modela 2010 je bila na Statističnem uradu Republike Slovenije pripravljena za potrebe razvoja...