(Table 2) 40Ar/39Ar total fusion ages of ODP Leg 120 samples
Total fusion temperature = 1500°C. -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1989 - CV'89
Conditions for shorter working hours: income versus leisure / working conditions, quality of job / doing volunteer work / satisfaction with social position / leisure activities,... -
Labour participation of single parents
This study on the labour participation of single parents in the Netherlands is based on a survey among 1140 respondents in 1999: 688 economically independent single parents and... -
Gaande man 1958 : Studies over de Nederlandse emigratie
Follow-up among emigrants / disappointments / housing conditions / work experiences / social integration / adjustment / control of language / contacts with homeland. Background... -
Maatschappelijke participatie van vrouwen met gezins- verantwoordelijkheid 1974
Opinions on job and family / upbringing and attending / wishes concerning arrangements and facilities on the job, at school and in the neighbourhood / wishes concerning... -
NPAO arbeidsmarktonderzoek 1982
Research of the mutual relation between labour, mobility, income and education. Detailed descriptions of r's school career and occupational career / kinds of work, distances to... -
Sociale problematiek van de ex-danser 1972-1979
Study of experiences of professional dancers who had to stop dancing because of their age and look for other work. Mail survey: vocational dance training / general schooling and... -
Turkse kinderen in niemandsland 1975
Turkey / contacts in Utrecht / housing situation / occupational situation / illness / situation of the children ( in Holland and in Turkey ) / possibilities for small children... -
Arbeidsbemiddeling 1967
detailed data on work and working situation and occupational history / attitude to 'finding work' / most-least pleasant job / attitude to present job / satisfaction with income... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1958-1975 - CV'58'75
Visits to and from family, friends, neighbours / attitude towards other people / holiday spending / interest in radio / tv / newspapers / job satisfaction / aspirations /... -
Van onderen 1973-1974 : Industriearbeiders over media en vakbondswerk
Knowledge of and exposure to 'van onderen' radio and tv-programs in which the situation of workers, the work of trade-unions, and works-councils etc. is discussed critically /... -
Ervaringen van gebruikers met automatisering in de dienstensector 1985
Evaluation of impact of automation in service industries. Involvement with introduction of automation / additional skills / changes in work, working conditions, employment /... -
Kwaliteit van arbeid 1977
Details on job situation and quality of work evaluation / job history / characteristics / level of job / challenges / financial rewards / resource adequacy / relations with... -
Personeelsverloop Academisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam 1975
Acquaintance with activities of personnel clubs like P.C.O. and O.P.A.R. And with the journal the monitor / opinion on workers' participation and treatment of complaints /... -
Raden van overleg Hoogovens 1968-1969
Opinion on 'councils of consultation' / contacts with council member / functions of the council / relation with management ( direct supervisors and general management ) and... -
Aspiraties en waardebegrippen 1968
Levels of aspiration / achievement motivation / leadership versus social tendencies / attitude towards deferral of immediate satisfactions / occupational values and motivations... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1986 - CV'86
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population. Work, income versus leisure / job satisfaction, pressure of work / satisfaction... -
Orientaties op arbeid en vrije tijd 1970
The meaning of labour and leisure, labour versus leisure. Importance of different aspects of work / social and moral values / hedonism, conservatism, work ethics, duty versus... -
Gezondheid en levensomstandigheden 1968
Sleeping, eating, drinking, smoking / complaints on health condition / anomy / stress / illness / traumatic experiences in youth and later / climate in parental family /... -
Evaluatie beroepsopleidingen gehandicapten 1981-1983
Evaluation study of two experimental vocational training- courses for handicapped people. Handicap / educational career / professional career / job problems caused by handicap /...