Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T5 Clinical Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T6 Population Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T4 Clinical Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
TRAILS T5 Clinical cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
TRAILS T4 Clinical cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Pre-test Domus Ludens
Domus Ludens. The Domus Ludens Project has sought to promote play culture in residential centres to protect children in three European countries: Spain, Poland and Germany. the... -
Instruments qualitatius per analitzar l'empoderament juvenil en tres comunita...
El conjunt de dades recull els instruments qualitatius emprats per recopilar dades sobre l’empoderament juvenil en tres comunitats de Catalunya: el districte de Ciutat Vella de... -
Derives observacionals de l'ús que fan dels espais públics i els equipaments ...
Aquest conjunt de dades recull les observacions realitzades sobre la presència i les activitats de les persones joves a l'espai públic. Les dades van ser obtingudes mitjançant... -
Qualitative instruments to identify "resilient practices" to help children an...
This dataset corresponds to the qualitative instruments of the "Children, youth and resilient communities" research project, used to be able to collect the qualitative data that... -
VulnYouth dataset. Studying intersectional vulnerability of the precarious yo...
Data refers to Spanish youth (20-34 years old) interviewed in February 2023. The questionnaire has been developed to explore precariousness among youth and its impact on mental... -
Post-test Domus Ludens
Domus Ludens. The Domus Ludens Project has sought to promote play culture in residential centres to protect children in three European countries: Spain, Poland and Germany. the... -
Survey on LGBTIQ youth people born between 2005 and 2007
This questionnaire correspond to one of the research phases of the European project "Colourful Childhoods. Empowering LGBTIQ children in vulnerable contexts to combat violence... -
Anàlisi de projectes socioeducatius a Celrà, Girona i Barcelona
Aquest conjunt de dades correspon a dos de les fases metodològiques del "Projecte HEBE: L’empoderament dels joves en la comunitat. Anàlisi de casos a partir de tres comunitats",... -
Young people and children's questionnaires to know about the help and support...
These questionnaires correspond to one of the methodological phases of the research project "Resilient children, youth and communities: identifying and analysing social and... -
Befragung von Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 20 Jahren in den Kantonen Bern, Aa...
Der Aufbau und die Veränderung der Identität ist eine zentrale Aufgabe des Menschen. Besonders relevant wird diese Aufgabe im Jugendalter. Jugendliche wollen erfahren, wer sie... -
Panelstudie zum Risikoverhalten Jugendlicher in der Stadt Freiburg, 1., 2. Vo...
Das unter der Referenznummer 5368 archivierte Projekt (Daten zur 2. Vormessung sowie zur Nachmessung) wurde durch Daten aus dem Projekt (Referenznummer) 1682 (1. Vormessung)... -
Berufliche Entscheidungen und Entwicklungsverläufe im Jugendalter und jungen ...
Das Ziel dieses Projekts liegt in der Analyse von Determinanten von Berufsbildungsentscheidungen von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Es werden aus der Perspektive von... -
Befragung der schweizerischen Rekruten zu Gewalterfahrungen und eigener Gewal...
Crime has become a major problem in public opinion in recent years. It is therefore of prime importance to know the extent of the prevalence and incidence of delinquency in... -
Befragung von Rekruten aus der Zentral- und Ostschweiz über Erfahrungen in de...
In den 80er Jahren wurden in verschiedenen Kantonen wichtige Reformen im Schulwesen, unter anderem in der Oberstufe durchgeführt. Schüler, Eltern und Initianten interessierten... -
Wertvorstellungen junger Erwachsener - 1994
The aim of the study was the recording and longitudinal comparison of basic values of 20-year-old adults in the areas of family, work and public life. The answers of 20-year-old...