Replication Data for: Less is More: Why All Paradigms are Defective, and Why ...
Only a fraction of lexemes are encountered in all their paradigm forms in any corpus or even in the lifetime of any speaker. This raises a question as to how it is that native... -
Replication Data for: Subject Placement in the History of Latin
The present dataset was used in a corpus study on the diachrony of subject placement in the history of Latin, to appear in 'Catalan Journal of Linguistics'. The main file... -
Replication Data for: Elevated methane alters dissolved organic matter compos...
This dataset contains water column measurements, dissolved organic matter compositions, and hydrographical profiles collected from the Norskebanken seep site at Northern... -
Replication data for: Learner translation of metaphor: Smooth sailing?
The datasets, R code and informant information letter for the article 'Learner metaphor in translation: Smooth sailing?' The article abstract is as follows: This article... -
Replication Data for: The decade construction rivalry in Russian: Using a cor...
This dataset contains 3 data files, 5 files with R code, and a short read-me file with documentation. The data files contain information about the development of two competing... -
Replication Data for: A Corpus Based Analysis of V2 Variation in West Flemish...
Dataset abstract The dataset includes an annotated dataset of N = 1413 sentences (or parts thereof) taken from an authentic spoken corpus data from West Flemish and French... -
Drone-based mapping of crevassed glaciers in Svalbard
This database contains drone-based mapping data of seven crevassed glaciers in Svalbard, Norway. The dataset was generated using a structure-from-motion (SfM) method using... -
Background Data for: The complexity principle and the morphosyntactic alterna...
Manually annotated dataset of 3,000 uses of exterior locative constructions (specifically cases and postpositions) in present-day Estonian. The data is extracted from the... -
Replication Data for: (No) competition between deverbal nouns and nominalized...
This is the data set that serves as the basis for an acceptability judgment experiment on which the following article is based:" (No) competition between deverbal nouns and... -
Replication data for: Trust in large carnivore science in Norway
The dataset is from a national survey from 2018 dealing with trust in research. We focus on large carnivore research, and the survey is based on a geographical sampling and not... -
Replication Data for: Exposure and Emergence in Usage-Based Grammar: Computat...
[article abstract:] This paper uses computational experiments to explore the role of exposure in the emergence of construction grammars. While usage-based grammars are... -
Replication Data for: Zur Determiniererlosigkeit bei prädikativ verwendeten z...
This data set contains the replication data for the article "Zur Determiniererlosigkeit bei prädikativ verwendeten zählbaren Nomen im Deutschen: Korpusdaten und ihre... -
Medborgerundersøkelsen Innlandet 2018
Dette er datasett til et prosjekt: Medborgerundersøkelsen Innlandet 2018. Prosjektet hadde til hensikten en befolkningskartlegging blant innbyggere i Hedmark og Oppland, for... -
Replication data for Verb placement in L3 French and L3 German: The role of l...
Dataset Abstract This dataset contains data from an experimental study on third language acquisition of verb placement. All participants are first language (L1) speakers of... -
Replication data for "Stress constraints from shear-wave analysis in shallow ...
The attached dataset has ocean bottom seismic (OBS) data, 3D seismic data and matlab scripts used in the analysis of OBS data. OBS data was acquired using an array of 22 ocean... -
Replication data for: Læreroppfatninger om Det felles europeiske rammeverket ...
Datasettet inneholder svar på en spørreundersøkelse om læreroppfatninger om Det felles europeiske rammeverket (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:... -
Replication Data for: Condensed tannins mediate the effect of long-term nitro...
This dataset contains data on soil condensed tannin concentrations, soil nematode communities and other soil variables, as well as condensed tannin concentrations of vaccinium... -
Replication Data for: Characterization of Mechanical and Cellular Effects of ...
Fluorescence microscopic (maximum intensity projection) images of the F-actin filaments (stained with Alexa488 phalloidin green-fluorescence dye) of HeLa cell cultures. 63x oil... -
Replication Data for: Extracurricular work experience and its association wit...
The dataset contains answers from a questionnaire distributed to all medical students at UiT as well as first year graduates from November 2019 to February 2020. The purpose of... -
Appendiks til Blir norsk politikk GAL? Grønn Alternativ Liberal (GAL) – Norsk...
Online appendix for paper to be published in Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift