Demonstrating the dynamic wing technology at real sea conditions using 10-12m...
The Seatech project is devoted to the demonstration of the dynamic using large scale models tested wing at sea and the engine technology testing in relevant environment. The... -
Replication Data for: Effects of large carnivores, hunter harvest, and weathe...
This Dataset contains all the information (datafiles, script, README file) to replicate the analyses in the manuscript titled "Effects of large carnivores, hunter harvest, and... -
Background data for: "Risky Positioning - social aspirations and risk-taking ...
This dataset contains information from a survey that was distributed in North America from January to April, in 2018. To target the population of interest for this study,... -
Background data for: Stable organization of the early lexical-semantic networ...
Description of dataset The dataset presents the results of the investigation of the early lexical-semantic knowledge organization capabilities of 18- and 24-month-old toddlers.... -
Speech rhythm in German Learner English: Dataset for "(Re-)viewing the acquis...
This dataset contains tabular files with durational measurements of vowels in connected speech. The data include measurements for 62 German learners of English and 25 native... -
Modal verbs of strong obligation in Scottish Standard English: Corpus data
The dataset contains instances of the (semi-)modal verbs 'must', 'have to', 'need to' and '(have) got to' from nineteen written and spoken genres in the Scottish and British... -
Sources and Targets in Kuteva et al. 2019
This dataset is based on examples found in Kuteva et al. 2019: Kuteva, Tania, Bernd Heine, Bo Hong, Haiping Long, Heiko Narrog, and Seongha Rhee. 2019. World Lexicon of... -
Replication Data for: A panorama of inchoative constructions in Spanish: Clus...
The dataset contains the data for the hierarchical cluster analysis as explained in the article "A panorama of inchoative constructions in Spanish: Cluster analysis as an answer... -
Replication data for: Big data in Russian linguistics? Another look at paucal...
This post contains a database of Russian numeral constructions from the RuTenTen corpus (https://www.sketchengine.co.uk/rutenten-russian-corpus/). The constructions are of the... -
Replication Data for: Accusative of Negation in ‘Borderland’ Polish
These are the data for a journal article on 'Accusative of Negation in 'Borderland' Polish'. The abstract of the article is below. The data consist of the annotated list of... -
Helium atom scattering on amorphous bilayer silica
This dataset contains time of flight (TOF) measurements obtained using helium atom scattering (HAS) on an amorphous bilayer silica sample supportend on a Ru(0001) substrate. TOF... -
Replication Data for: Predicting Russian aspect by frequency across genres
We ask whether the aspect of individual verbs can be predicted based on the statistical distribution of their inflectional forms and how this is influenced by genre. To address... -
Replication Data for: Early and late bilingual processing of Spanish gender, ...
For this research, a 180-item grammaticality judgment task was administered (with items in random order) to each 53 subjects, and each item was evaluated for accuracy (Acc) and... -
Replication Data for: Listening to Accents: Comprehensibility, accentedness a...
Dataset abstract This dataset contains the results from 33 Flemish English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners, who were exposed to eight native and non-native accents of... -
Replication Data for: Russian verbal borrowings in Udmurt
This is the dataset used in a study of Russian verbal loans in Udmurt. The files contain lists of Russian verbs found in the Udmurt social media corpus... -
Replication Data for: A network of allostructions: quantified subject constru...
Data and R code are provided for statistical analysis of approximately 39,000 corpus examples of predicate agreement in constructions with quantified subjects in Russian. The... -
Sibilant and velarized coda /s/ matched guise survey in Spain
This dataset contains the responses (386) collected from a matched guise survey distributed in Spain. The speakers used in the study were from Madrid and their recordings... -
Replication Data for: The long and the short of it: Russian predicate adjecti...
Description of Dataset This is a study of examples of Russian predicate adjectives in clauses with zero-copula present tense, where the adjective is a short form (SF) or a long... -
Replication Data for: Les expressions spatiales en français médiéval: particu...
This dataset contains the raw data and the R scripts necessary to replicate all tables and figures in the cited publication. The raw data consists of manually-annotated... -
Replication data for: La segunda persona objetivadora (tú) en las redes socia...
This database concerns the use of the second person singular as an objectifying resource in the written texts of social networks and magazines. This phenomenon has different...