Related material to A sedimentary record of Holocene surface runoff events an...
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Supplement to: Postseismic Ground Deformation Following the September 2010 Da...
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HOWAS 21 - Hochwasserschadensdatenbank
Mit der Hochwasserschadensdatenbank HOWAS 21 wurde von Wissenschaftlern des Deutschen GeoForschungsZentrums GFZ eine fundierte Datengrundlage zur Erforschung von... -
Interaktive Abfrage von Beschleunigungs-Antwortspektren für die Gefährdungsni...
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Near Eastern radiocarbon CONTEXT database
The radiocarbon CONTEXT database is intended to offer help in analyzing archaeological radiocarbon dates ranging from the Upper Paleolithic to the beginning of the Chalcolithic... -
WeCode - Weathering Corrections for denudation rates
Cosmogenic nuclide measurements are commonly biased by weathering within the cosmogenic nuclide production zone. The code package “WeCode” (Weathering Corrections for denudation... -
The Smart Monitoring Workflow (Tocap) of the Flood Event Explorer: Determinin...
The Smart Monitoring Workflow (Tocap) is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in close... -
GFZ final product series for the International GNSS Service (IGS)
GFZ acts as a global analysis center of the International GNSS Service (IGS) and provides ultra-rapid (last 24h), rapid (last day), and final (last week) solutions for GPS and... -
Remote Rapid Visual survey (RRVS) for exposure modelling in Kyrgyzstan and Ta...
The dataset contains a set of structural and non-structural attributes collected using the GFZ RRVS methodology in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, within the framework of the... -
Moment tensor inversion report for the 2018 West Bohemia earthquake swarm
The interactive web page contains supplementary information to Fast and robust earthquake source spectra and moment magnitudes from envelope inversion, Eulenfeld et al. 2021,... -
An Open-Source Site Database of Strong-Motion Stations in Japan: K-NET and Ki...
This is an open-source site database for a total number of 1742 earthquake recording sites in the K-NET (Kyoshin network) and KiK-net (Kiban Kyoshin network) networks in Japan.... -
Ring-shear test data of glass beads 100-200 µm used for analogue experiments ...
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on glass beads with a diameter of 100-200 µm used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue for... -
ELFIN-L Level 3 EPD (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
3D-CEBS: Three-dimensional lithospheric-scale structural model of the Central...
We provide a set of grid files that collectively allow recreating a 3D geological model which covers the Central European Basin System and adjacent areas. The data publication... -
DASF: Messaging Python: A python RCP wrapper for the data analytics software ...
DASF: Messaging Python is part of the Data Analytics Software Framework (DASF, https://git.geomar.de/digital-earth/dasf), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for... -
Multi-temporal landslide inventory for a study area in Southern Kyrgyzstan de...
Multi-temporal landslide inventories are important information for the understanding of landslide dynamics and related predisposing and triggering factors, and thus a crucial... -
Residential flood loss maps Danube catchment
This data set provides a set of residential flood loss maps (ESRI Shapefiles) for the German part of the Danube catchment for current and future climate based on a stochastic... -
Compilation of Cenozoic temperature proxies for terrestrial and marine surfac...
We provide a globally distributed compilation of published surface temperature proxies for eight Cenozoic time periods that cover the range of paleoclimate states. The proxies... -
Earthquake Model Central Asia: seismic exposure modelling
The datasets in this collection include input and output components of the seismic exposure model developed within the framework of the Earthquake Model Central Asia and used... -
Supplement to: The New World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness
These are maps of artificial night sky radiance that were produced by the Light Pollution Science and Technology Institute (ISTIL), and described in the paper "The New World...