The datasets in this collection include input and output components of the seismic exposure model developed within the framework of the Earthquake Model Central Asia and used for seismic risk assessment.
In particular the collection includes:
A dataset of around 7’000 individual building observations in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan collected using the Remote Rapid Visual Survey (RRVS) methodology developed at GFZ, along with the class schema used to map the individual taxonomic observations into vulnerability-related building classes. These are used to develop suitable prior distribution and to constrain locally the resulting exposure models
The seismic exposure models for the following central Asian countries: Kazakhstan , Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, aggregated over a set of heterogeneous tessellations (geo-cells)
The methodology employed for the development of the exposure models is described in Pittore, M., Haas, M., and Silva, V. (2020) “Multi-resolution Probabilistic Modelling of Residential Exposure and Vulnerability for Seismic Risk Applications”, Earthquake Spectra. Two versions of the models obtained with two different parameter settings are included. The models are provided in .csv and in .xml (nrml 0.5) format, for compatiliby with the OpenQuake hazard and risk assessment engine.