Seawater carbonate chemistry and reaction norms of two oyster species living in contrasting habitats


We deciphered the reaction norms of two oyster species living in contrasting habitats: the intertidal oyster Crassostrea gigas and the subtidal flat oyster Ostrea edulis, which are two economically and ecologically valuable species in temperate ecosystems. Six-month-old oysters of each species were exposed in common garden tanks for 48 days to a pH gradient ranging from 7.7 to 6.4 (total scale). The database contains data from: 1. seawater physico-chemical parameters during the acclimation period, 2. oyster survival during the acclimation period, 3. biometrics of oyster species, 4. shell coloration of oyster species, 5. composition of the membrane fatty acids of oyster species, 6. temporal evolution of the phytoplankton cell volume, 7. fatty acid composition of phytoplankton, 8. energy reserves of oyster species.

In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2024) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of carbonate system variables, as described by Nisumaa et al. (2010). In this dataset the original values were archived in addition with the recalculated parameters (see related PI). The date of carbonate chemistry calculation by seacarb is 2024-02-26.

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Metadata Access
Creator Caillon, Coline ORCID logo; Pernet, Fabrice ORCID logo; Lutier, Mathieu ORCID logo; Di Poi, Carole ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Yang, Yan
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 309590 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-4.425 LON, 48.377 LAT)
Temporal Coverage Begin 2019-05-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2019-05-31T00:00:00Z