Seawater carbonate chemistry and reaction norms of two oyster species living ...
We deciphered the reaction norms of two oyster species living in contrasting habitats: the intertidal oyster Crassostrea gigas and the subtidal flat oyster Ostrea edulis, which... -
Fish stomach observation during ALKOR cruise AL220/1
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Trawling of cod during ALKOR cruise AL220/1
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Trawling of fish during ALKOR cruise AL220/1
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Salinity tolerance study details with means and variances of parameters compi...
All studies included in the meta-analysis are listed with study details such as experimental design, species studied, number of replicates, salinity levels and mean values and... -
Fatty acid analysis of two African crickets (Scapsipedus icipe and Gryllus bi...
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Fatty acid contents of the diets of the copepod Temora longicornis
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Fatty acid contents of the copepod Temora longicornis
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Fatty acid contents for the larvae of the polychaete Lanice conchilega
The larvae of the reef-building polychaete Lanice conchilega can make up to 15% of the summer zooplankton biomass in the North Sea. Despite their importance for reef maintenance... -
Fatty acid contents for the diatom Conticribra weissflogii
The larvae of the reef-building polychaete Lanice conchilega can make up to 15% of the summer zooplankton biomass in the North Sea. Despite their importance for reef maintenance... -
Bactial operational tax units
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Bacteria isolated from fish species in the Sylt-Rømø-Bight, North Sea, in 201...
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Macroparasite infection of fish species in the Sylt-Rømø-Bight, North Sea, in...
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(Table 1) Rodent (lemming and vole) densities in 5 study areas in the Canadia...
Lemmings construct nests of grass and moss under the snow during winter, and counting these nests in spring is 1 method of obtaining an index of winter density and habitat use.... -
(Table 1) Concentrations of the main organochlorine pesticides in liver and p...
The present study investigates the concentrations and patterns of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and their metabolites in liver and plasma of two ringed seal populations... -
(Table 1) Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in liver and plasm...
The present study investigated the concentrations and patterns of PBDEs and hydroxylated (OH) PBDE analogues in two ringed seal populations: less contaminated Svalbard and more... -
(Table 1) Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and PCB metabolite concentrations in...
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may induce activity of hepatic enzymes, mainly Phase I monooxygenases and conjugating Phase II enzymes, that catalyze the metabolism of PCBs... -
(Table 4) Fork length, growth rates, condition factor and C:N ratio of anadro...
For growth rates and condition factor, least squares (LS) means were calculated in a mixed model, with lake as a random variable. For C:N ratios LS means were calculated at a... -
Record of sun coral (Tubastraea spp.) polyps attached to Parribacus antarctic...
This video shows the sun coral (Tubastraea spp.) attached to the carapace of an adult a sculptured slipper lobster (Parribacus antarcticus). This recording was made with an... -
Images of 175 individual animals of five distinct taxonomic groups: camels, p...
The ZooMixID dataset contains 839 cropped images featuring 175 individual animals of five distinct taxonomic groups: camels, penguins, goats, tortoises and toads. Each image is...