Organic matter concentration and composition in four trophic regimes of the S...
Samples were collected in the surface ocean of the South East Pacific Ocean in subtropical, and sub-Antarctic water masses, above the Chatham Rise (NZ) and at the entrance of... -
Canadian Arctic Archipelago Rivers Program: Major Ion and Inorganic Carbon Da...
This data set describes the Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), Total Alkalinity (TA), and dissolved Major and Minor Ion (Chloride, Sulphate, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium,... -
Pore-water data of a multicorer core and a gravity core at Station HE443/10, ...
Pore water was collected onboard (RV Heincke expedition HE443) by use of rhizons that were inserted into the cores through drilled holes in the core liners. Samples were... -
Weathering indicators according to earthworm presence and survival in an arti...
The dataset consists of measurements of weathering indicators according to earthworm presence and survival. Data was collected within the BAM! project (Bio-Accelerated Mineral... -
Dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen concentration of Lena R...
We collected water samples from the river surface in the center of the Olenekskaya Channel near Samoylov Island using a pre-rinsed HDPE 1 L bottle. During the open water period... -
Dissolved organic carbon concentration of Lena River water from 11.04.2019 (#...
We collected water samples from the river surface in the center of the Olenekskaya Channel near Samoylov Island using a pre-rinsed HDPE 1 L bottle. During the open water period... -
Benthic foraminifera oxygen index of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present dissolved oxygen estimates from benthic foraminiferal assemblage data in discrete samples from ODP site 883. Benthic faunal assemblage data from Dowsett and... -
Pore water data of sediment core YC22_MR_8 off Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_8 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Pore water data of sediment core YC22_MR_7 off Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_7 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Pore water data of sediment core YC22_MR_6 off Herschel island (Yukon Coast 2...
In July 2022 within the framework of an Alfred-Wegener-Institute-managed expedition and the Nunataryuk project, sediment core YC22_MR_6 was taken off the coast of Herschel... -
Nutrients in water sampled during the PHYCOB cruise in the Southwestern Black...
Nitrite and nitrate as nitrogen (NO3+NO2), ammonium as nitrogen (NH4+), ortho-phosphate as phosphorus (o-PO4) and silica (SiO2) analyzes were measured by a QuAAtro39 Continuous... -
Chlorophyll a and nutrients in water during the PHYCOB cruise in the Southwes...
Samples for biological and chemical parameters were collected at the surface (3m), pyrocline, and the deep chlorophyll a maximum using the CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, and... -
Physical oceanography during the PHYCOB cruise with focus on harmfula algal s...
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Measured values of Ba/Ca in coral and coralline algae for seawater barium cal...
A comprehensive georeferenced database of measured values of Ba/Ca in coral and coralline algae compiled from the scientific literature (1950-2021;... -
Isotopic composition of dissolved iron in pore-water samples from IODP Hole 3...
δ56Fe analysis of dissolved Fe: • Column separation using the AG-MP1 anion exchange resin according to Homoky et al. (2013). Isotope analysis on a ThermoFinnigan Neptune... -
Physical oceanography during RV BIPO INAPESCA cruise along the west coast of ...
Depth, temperature, and conductivity were recorded with a SeaBird SB11 CTD equipped with a Seabird-43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor from 16th July to 3rd September 2014 along the west... -
CTD and oxygen measurements at lander 2 in the German Baltic Sea
Coastal ecosystems are heterogeneous environments with high turnover rates of carbon and nutrients that influence the distribution of greenhouse gases (GHG). They also represent... -
CTD and oxygen measurements at lander 1 in the German Baltic Sea
Coastal ecosystems are heterogeneous environments with high turnover rates of carbon and nutrients that influence the distribution of greenhouse gases (GHG). They also represent... -
Bottle data from the shallow near-shore waters of the German Baltic Sea
Coastal ecosystems are heterogeneous environments with high turnover rates of carbon and nutrients that influence the distribution of greenhouse gases (GHG). They also represent... -
Net flux O2 DIC CaCO3 flux measurements from summer and winter experiments
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