Oblikovanje policy mrež in lobiranje, 1996


Raziskava temelji na uporabi mezo koncepta "policy omrežja". Koncept je uporabljen na naslednjih področjih empiričnega raziskovanja: a) v proučevanju razvoja interesno-skupinskega sistema in njegovega delovanja v procesu demokratičnega prehoda; b) v analizi notranje strukture in značilnosti razmerij, v katera vstopajo interesne skupine in politični odločevalci v procesu oblikovanja in izvajanja javnih politik; c) pri proučevanju metod in strategij lobiranja; d) pri proučevanju razmerij med centralno in lokalno vlado v procesu oblikovanja politik; e) pri spremljanju spreminjanja razmerij med (so)oblikovalci javnih politik; f) analizi povezanosti mednarodnega povezovanja interesnih skupin in njihove vplivnosti v slovenskem političnem odločanju; g) analizi povezanosti med prakso policy omrežij in učinkovitostjo ekonomskega sistema in h) v razvoju policy svetovanja vladnim in nevladnim akterjem.

The research is based on the "policy network" concept. The concept is used as follows: a) in analyzing development of interest-group system and its functioning in the context of democratic transition; b) in analyzing internal structure and characteristics of relations among interest groups and decision-makers in the process of policy-making; c) in analyzing lobbying methods and strategies; d) in analyzing relations between central and local government in the process of policy-making; e) in tracing dynamics of relationships between policy actors; f) in analyzing of correlation between international interest group networking and interest group influence in domestic policy-making processes; g) in analyzing of correlation between policy network practice and effectiveness of economic system; and h) in developing of policy advice to governmental and non-governmental policy actors.

Neverjetnostno: s pomočjo respondentovNonprobability.RespondentAssisted

Non-probability: Respondent-assistedNonprobability.RespondentAssisted

Osebni intervju: PAPIInterview.FaceToFace.PAPI

Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI

DOI https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_POLMR96_V1
Related Identifier http://cobiss6.izum.si/scripts/cobiss?command=DISPLAY&base=99999&rid=18443357&fmt=11&lani=si
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Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=4a08f5b88c0846eea4dc44a7220c65ea2ee981aebb70fe9560e801f8b841ee8b
Creator Fink-Hafner, Danica
Publisher Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov; Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo; Državni zbor; Vlada Republike Slovenije; Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije; Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo = Ministry of Science and Technology; National Assembly; Government of the Republic of Slovenia; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Rights ADP, 2024; Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.; The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.
OpenAccess true
Contact http://www.adp.fdv.uni-lj.si
Resource Type ŠtevilskiNumeric; NumericNumeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Drugo - Ni podatka.; Other - No information.; Slovenija; Slovenia