Opinion Leaders and Development Cooperation 1994
Kyselyn tavoitteena oli selvittää Suomen eri vaikuttajasektoreilla työskentelevien arvioita ja käsityksiä kehitysyhteistyöstä. Kohderyhmänä oli poliittisia päättäjiä, valtion-... -
Formation of Policy Networks and Lobbying in Slovenia, 1996 and 2012
The main purpose of the research Formation of Policy Networks and Lobbying in Slovenia in 1996 was to examine the changes that occurred due to the transition process in... -
The National Council in political system of the Republic of Slovenia
Research captured standpoints of councillors of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia about their work in past mandate, manner and method of work as well as it... -
The attitudes of deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, 1991
The survey on the views of deputies’ on the functioning of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia gives insight into the views of deputies on some of the basic elements of... -
Policy-Making Processes in Cultural Policy Arena in Slovenia
Supposition of the research describes a statement that there is an imbalance of power among policy sub-arenas in policy-making processes. The research therefore seeks to... -
Formation of Policy Networks and Lobbying Slovenia, 2012
To ensure comparability with the survey carried out in 1996 same main research questionnaire was used in 2012, the formation of policy networks in time of political changes. The... -
Formation of Policy Networks and Lobbying in Slovenia, 1996
The research is based on the "policy network" concept. The concept is used as follows: a) in analyzing development of interest-group system and its functioning in the context of...