Formation of Policy Networks and Lobbying Slovenia, 2012
Z že zbranimi podatki iz prejšnje raziskave iz leta 1996 je bila izvedba raziskave spomladi 2012 izpeljana z enakim glavnim raziskovalnim vprašanjem, oblikovanje policy omrežja... -
Formation of Policy Networks and Lobbying in Slovenia, 1996
Raziskava temelji na uporabi mezo koncepta "policy omrežja". Koncept je uporabljen na naslednjih področjih empiričnega raziskovanja: a) v proučevanju razvoja... -
British and German Higher Education: Staff and Students in a Changing World
The research sets out to compare how British and German staff and students are changing in response to neoliberal influences in higher education. In the past, these two... -
Healthy ageing in residential care homes, 2014-2015
Data collection of interviews and observations resulting from case study research in residential care homes in Canada, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. This collection...