The terrains in the South China Sea were apart of the Southeast China continent, and their rift-departing process dominated the formation and evolution of the South China Sea. The survey results of topography and paleoenvironment of the northern South China Sea during SO-49 cruise demonstrate that the terrains rift-departed from the South China continent before early Eocene.
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
Supplement to: Li, Quanxing; Wu, Shengdi (1990): The age of the South China Sea terrains rift - departing from South China continent. In: Jin Xiang- long, Hermann Rudolf Kudrass and Guy Pautot (eds), Marine Geology and Geophysics of the South China Sea. China Ocean Press, Hangzhou, China, 101-107