Wet chemistry chemical composition of manganese deposits from the Continental...
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other... -
(Table 6, page 476-477) Composition of acid-soluble fraction from manganese
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other... -
(Table 1, page 1169) Chemical composition of land (fossil) manganese deposits...
Chemical, x-ray and other data are given for todorokite, (Mn, Mg, Ca, Ba, Na, K)2.Mn5O12.3H2O, from Charco Redondo, Cuba, Farragudo, Portugal, and Hüttenberg, Austria.... -
(Table 2, page 1177) Composition of manganese deposit samples from Cuba
Todorokite is a very abundant manganese oxide mineral in many deposits in Cuba and has been noted from other localities. Six new analyses are givenl they lead to the approximate... -
(Table 3, page 264), Composition of a manganese micronodule found in a fossil...
Chemical analyses are presented for two Cretaceous clays from Noil Tobee, Timor. Mineralogical examination has shown that they consist principally of quartz, feldspar, illite... -
Chemical composition of a manganese nodule from the Pacific Ocean
By means of spectrographic analysis 96 samples of marine sediments were analyzed quantitatively for V, Ti, Zr, Co, Ni, Sc, Cr, and La, and semi-quantitatively for Ba and Sr. Ca... -
Table 2. The element content of manganese crust
The terrains in the South China Sea were apart of the Southeast China continent, and their rift-departing process dominated the formation and evolution of the South China Sea.... -
Geochemical anaylsis from the Talheim loess-paleosol sequence in the Heilbron...
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Geochemical anaylsis from the Frankenbach loess-paleosol sequence in the Heil...
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(Table 2) Whole rock major and trace elements from Penninic metasedimentary unit
Mass numbers in parameter comments refer to the isotope measured -
Metals and oxides in sediment cores from St. Louis River and Lake Superior, M...
Method1: HCl-extracted sample analysis for major metals. Instrument: Thermo Scientific iCAP 6500 dual view ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometer).... -
(Table A3) Representative analyses of apatite from amphibole-chlorite veins o...
Cation calculation based on 26 oxygens. -
Electron microprobe analysis of polyhalite from the evaporitic Permian Haselg...
Electron microprobe analyses were conducted at the University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology, in the year 2011. Measurements were performed on a JEOL electron... -
Geochemistry of sediment core MH_3SK from the Indian Ocean (Appendix)
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Conventional XRF data from marine sediment core E-8X, Danish North Sea, cover...
The data set contains raw datafiles from PANalytical Axios mAX sequential, fully automatic wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The XRF data was collected in... -
Electron probe microanalysis of the fibrous dolomite crystals in methane seep...
Samples were made into thin sections with polished surface. Elements of MgO, SiO2, CaO, FeO, MnO and SrO were measured. Measurement name: Electron probe microanalysisInstrument:... -
Apatite analyses of plutonic rocks from Maronia and Kassiteres, NE Greece
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Chemical composition of apatites from the Três Estradas Carbonatite
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(Table A3) Trace elements analysis of carbonates from the Troll gas field in ...
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(Table 2b) Representative analyses of plagioclase of selected Ferrar intrusiv...
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