Elemental composition of sediment core JPS-1 from Lake Jingpo, northeast China
Due to changing East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during Holocene, the sediment cores were collected in Lake Jingpo in northeast China and were investigated to understand the... -
Elemental composition of sediment core JB-A from Lake Jingpo, northeast China
Due to changing East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during Holocene, the sediment cores were collected in Lake Jingpo in northeast China and were investigated to understand the... -
Chemical composition of sediment core BT from bay Trampa in the western Magel...
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Chemical composition of sediment core BC from bay Caribe in the western Magel...
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(Table 2b) Geochemical composition of felsic and intermediate rocks from the ...
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(Table 2) Selected analyses for garnet pyroxenite and amphibolite samples fro...
Garnet pyroxenite samples = W216, W218, W240, W242A and garnet amphibolite samples = W232, W251, W334. -
X-ray fluorescence analyses of single bulk sediment samples of core M78/1_181-3
The Mississippi River (MR) discharge effectively shaped the dynamics of the Loop Current (LC) in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) during transient climates and interglacials, and... -
Geochemistry of basalt from the Polaris hydrothermal field, Gakkel Ridge
This dataset contains bulk geochemistry of pillow basalt collected at the Polaris hydrothermal field on the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean. The samples were... -
X-ray analysis of sediment core SO90_63KA
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X-ray analysis of C-Layers of sediment core SO90_63KA
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Chemical analyses, grain size and total organic carbon measurements from sedi...
Geocode AGE = ka before AD 2000Geocode DEPTH, sediment/rock = mid depth (mbsf)SI = standard method (silicate program) for the production and measurement of the XRF sample -
(Table 2) Major and minor element contents in two samples from area A (sample...
PF: Facies with phosphatic coated grains, L: phosphatic laminite, S: lithified phosphatic sediment above phosphatic laminite -
Major elements of sediment core MD18-3569 from the Penghu Canyon in the north...
This dataset provides major element compositions of marine sediments over the past 32 kyr at HydroSed Core MD18-3569 on the Penghu Canyon in the northeastern South China Sea.... -
Sediment chemical data from Amazonas lakes, Brazil - rainy and dry seasons 20...
Water (physico)chemical and sediment chemical data from shallow tropical lakes and some piscicultures are available. In 5 subsequent field campaigns in both dry (3x) and rainy... -
Geochemistry of tephra from Lake Sihailongwan
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(Table 5) Pumices analysis in volcaniclastic layers from sediment core MOCOSE...
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(Table 3) Glass shards analysis in tephra layers from sediment cores of the C...
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(Table S1) Major and trace element concentrations of IODP Exp302 holes
DEPTH, sediment/rock [m] is given in mcd. -
(Table 4) Chemical composition of bulk samples from ODP Hole 125-782A fallout...
Numerical ages of tephra are based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy Xu and Wise (1992, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.125.142.1992) -
(Table 3) Chemical composition of low-K glasses from ODP Hole 125-782A fallou...
Cations based on 4 oxygens. Numerical ages of tephra are based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy Xu and Wise (1992, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.125.142.1992)