In a recent successful LOQ experiment (RB 1810629), we have unexpectedly observed possible multilayer stacking of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS; ~2wt%) bilayers in glycerol evident from the lamellar peaks in the SANS scans, contrasting with previous microscopy imaging, showing fibrous aggregates. We will address the questions: What intermolecular packing could lead to the lamellar peaks in our SANS data, comparing two possible geometries (lamellar sheets vs. multilayer cylinders)? How could SDS assemble into microfibres of ~ mm in length? We aim to use neutron diffraction to probe the effect of hydrogen-bonding in mediating such unexpected self-assembly behaviour in glycerol, the medium in which the phase was first observed. However, this initial study would prove to be a feasibility test on this type of technique for this system.