Cape Photographic Catalog 1950.0 (CPC)

This catalog includes most of the stars from the 1900.0 Cordoba Zone Catalogues B and C in the zone -30 deg. -35 deg. at the equinox of 1925.0. Some of the fainter Cordoba stars have been omitted in the rather crowded regions in the Milky Way. The aim was to provide accurate places for an average of 9 to 10 stars per square degree as a reference for a rereduction of the AG positions. Most of the stars have visual magnitudes between 7 and 10. Positions and proper motions have been supplied from the General Catalogue for those stars that were too bright for accurate measurement on photographic plates. The positions are on the FK3 system for the equinox of 1950.0. The probable errors of the positions are nominally +/- 0.15" in both right ascension and declination. That of the proper motions should not exceed +/- 1.4"/century, or +/-14 in the units in which the proper motions expressed in arc are given in the catalog. Introduction: Whenever possible, proper motions are derived by comparison with earlier visual observations but for many of the stars in the more southerly zones, no earlier observations exist. The magnitudes were determined from a series of in-focus photographs in both photographic and visual sensitivities. They are on the system defined by "Standard Magnitudes in the E Regions" (Cape Mimeogram No. 3, 1953). Although the resulting magnitudes are fairly close to this system, a small change of color equation with magnitude has not been completely eliminated. The transformation of the E-Region magnitudes to the UBV system is: B = SP(g) - 0.07 SCI + 0.20 V = SP(v) + 0.08 SCI - 0.06 B-V = 0.85 SCI + 0.26 Whenever possible, the spectral types are from the Henry Draper Catalogue or its extension. Types for a large number of other stars were supplied by the Harvard College Observatory. G. G. Cillie classified many stars between -30deg. and -40deg. on plates taken at Bloemfontein. Three errors were discovered after the catalog was typed. These have been corrected in this version. 3558 For Co. D. 30d 5059. read 30d 5061 7726 For Co. D. 32d10484, read 32d10488 10580 For spectral type F8, read K0

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Metadata Access
Creator Jackson J.; Stoy R.H.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 1999
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics