36 datasets found

Keywords: photographic magnitude

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  • Kazarian galaxies catalog

    The entire KG (KG) catalog is presented which combines extensive new measurements of their optical parameters with a literature and database search. The measurements were made...
  • 2728 asteroid positions (Kitab obs.)

    Photographic observations of XX century contained numerous and varied information about all objects and events of the Universe fixed on the astronegatives. The original and...
  • Uranus & Neptune topocentric positions

    Catalogs of 145 astrometric positions of Uranus and 4 its moons U1-U4 and 62 positions of Neptune and Triton have been compiled with Tycho-2 as a reference frame from...
  • 2292 astrometric positions of asteroids

    A catalogue of equatorial coordinates and magnitudes for 2162 asteroids and 11 comets was compiled based on the results of processing of digitized photographic observations of...
  • Topocentric positions of Saturn's moons

    A catalog of 1399 astrometric positions of Saturn's moons S2-S9 has been compiled with Tycho-2 as a reference frame from photographic observations obtained at the Main...
  • Galaxies in and near the cluster A1185

    Results of optical, radio, and submillimeter studies of the nearby galaxy cluster A1185 are presented. Coordinates have been obtained for 115 galaxies that are either cluster...
  • Catalog of Coma Cluster Galaxies

    A homogeneous photometry catalog is presented for 450 galaxies with B25.5 <= 16 mag located in the 9.8 x 9.8 deg region centred on the Coma Cluster. The catalog is based on...
  • NGP+30{deg} zone galaxies I.

    A database containing 618 active and star-forming (A/SF) galaxies and 564 normal galaxies in a 120{deg}x6{deg} wide strip crossing the North Galactic Pole was constructed in...
  • Optical properties of Markarian galaxies

    A database for the entire Markarian catalog is presented that combines extensive new measurements of their optical parameters with a literature and database search. The...
  • Late-type M dwarfs towards the SGP

    A catalog, including finding charts, is presented which contains 282 faint stars of spectral type M3 and later, located in an area of 173 square degrees near the South Galactic...
  • Dwarf K and M stars at low latitudes

    We report 100 dwarf K and M stars found on objective-prism plates taken at low galactic latitudes, mostly in the southern sky. Most stars were recognized from the strength of...
  • Classification of RASS optical counterparts

    Previous work (Rutledge et al., 2000ApJS..131..335R) statistically identified 5492 optical counterparts, with >~90% confidence, from among the ~18000 X-ray sources appearing...
  • Coma Berenices astrometric catalogue

    A catalogue of stellar positions and proper motions down to the 14th photographic magnitude in the area of the open cluster in Coma Berenices is compiled from data of 12...
  • Variables stars in Palomar-Groningen field 3

    A catalogue is presented with variable (RR Lyrae, semiregular and Mira) stars located inside field #3 (PG3) of the Palomar-Groningen Survey at the outer edge of the Sagittarius...
  • S10947 Aql photometry

    In the paper we report the discovery of a new variable star, called S10947 Aql, as the likely optical counterpart of RX J2009.8+1557. The optical variability pattern as well as...
  • Photographic Mags for Stars at High Galactic Lat

    This is a catalogue contains photographically determined UBVr magnitudes for more than 13000 stars at high galactic latitude. Eight pieces of information are given for each...
  • Parenago Catalog of Stars in Orion Nebula

    The present catalogue is a machine-readable version of the catalogue of stars in the area of the Orion nebula, published by P.P. Parenago (1954). The sky area between 5h 24m and...
  • Brightest stars in the field of M31

    This Catalogue of 11438 stars in the field of M31 is based on a set of Tautenburg Schmidt plates in U, B, V and R taken by van den Bergh. The range of visual magnitudes of stars...
  • Stellar Distribution near the South Galactic Pole

    This catalog contains a field of 2.8 square degrees centered on Kapteyn Selected Area 141 (l=245, b=-86). The center of field was near SAO 166815 (Bok I 174 B) at 01 05 11 -29...
  • Astrographic Catalogue, +01 to +31 Degrees

    This machine-readable version of the Astrographic Catalogue (AC), zones +01 to +31 degrees is the result of the determination of mean values for position and magnitude at a mean...
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