Impact of feeding strategies on young rabbit and its gut microbiota


You will find all the datasets presented in the study of Paës et al, "Establishment of hindgut bacterial ecosystems and acquisition of microbial functions in the infant rabbit: impact of early-life nutrition and polysaccharides ingestion" and described in the data paper "Multiomics analysis of postnatal nutrition impact on rabbit development at the weaning transition" With this experiment, we aimed to study the effects of post-natal feeding strategies on the co-maturation of the host and its microbiota in a rabbit model. Multi-level data were collected : phenotypic data (growth, feeding behaviour,oxidative stress, blood nutritional status, immunoglobulins concentrations), data on the gut microbiota and metabolome profiling as well as transcript profilings.

Metadata Access
Creator Paës, Charlotte; Combes, Sylvie ORCID logo
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Paës, Charlotte; Combes, Sylvie
Publication Year 2021
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Paës, Charlotte (INRAE); Combes, Sylvie (INRAE)
Resource Type Audiovisual; Dataset
Format application/gzip; application/zip; video/mp4; text/plain; image/jpeg; text/tab-separated-values
Size 378810; 77165798; 27584060; 80326742; 9230; 19502; 35481; 34657; 34178; 34857; 31813; 32022; 33577; 34352; 31874; 31378; 33385; 32707; 32722; 35262; 36270; 33145; 32759; 32053; 38601; 30255; 32690; 32695; 40131; 33519; 31036; 33422; 32263; 34567; 33437; 34415; 33671; 37689; 34236; 33575; 34282; 31357; 38665; 36439; 31452; 33594; 31827; 35729; 33435; 38314; 34687; 31869; 37872; 33840; 40991; 35957; 33310; 35337; 35219; 32576; 32042; 32970; 34090; 33565; 32964; 41001; 54910; 16104; 2536132; 892707; 8906; 9343; 109; 87962; 82848; 1248611; 21640
Version 3.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Basic Biological and Medical Research; Biology; Medicine; Medicine and Health; Omics; Physiology; Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology; Veterinary Medicine