DNB Household Survey (DHS) | 1993 - present


Since 1993, CentERdata annually collects economic data through a panel that consists of some two thousand households. The purpose of this DNB Household Survey (formerly known as CentER Savings Survey) is to study the economic and psychological determinants of the saving behavior of households. The data are collected through the CentERpanel, which collects data every week on various topics.Not all Dutch people have computers with Internet access, nor do the panel members. Households without a computer and/or Internet access are given the use of a simple computer and Internet access.

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-xzu-sp9h
Metadata Access https://ssh.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-xzu-sp9h
Creator M.IJ.C. Streefkerk
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor M.IJ.C. Streefkerk
Publication Year 2012
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://doi.org/10.17026/fp39-0x58
OpenAccess true
Contact M.IJ.C. Streefkerk (Centerdata)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; application/pdf; application/zip; application/x-spss-por; application/x-spss-sav; application/octet-stream
Size 102749; 225058; 258120; 247850; 312941; 312894; 333079; 314451; 345002; 317868; 316699; 332809; 315381; 335465; 346227; 381197; 412272; 413619; 423213; 418756; 535415; 520915; 478115; 537765; 489777; 489778; 429670; 429661; 343086; 343093; 235407; 235406; 221448; 413167; 513990; 559718; 622658; 613508; 613473; 654821; 651518; 621399; 544918; 551242; 573661; 568868; 622656; 610749; 634060; 691396; 663616; 689704; 622313; 785850; 791843; 1177607; 1177609; 1156425; 1156426; 1123892; 1123891; 991076; 991077; 763053; 763051; 516992; 455040; 3913584; 524893; 448351; 456289; 758216; 772473; 747827; 763966; 652723; 850380; 698787; 684512; 1323767; 1273587; 1241375; 1271865; 1239825; 520208; 498612; 555847; 551995; 538056; 523456; 472155; 473061; 485978; 487249; 255254; 177228; 177237; 216920; 213896; 206092; 197818; 214145; 206968; 192109; 178085; 183390; 198096; 182387; 190236; 215863; 225271; 265463; 233521; 221387; 201750; 232632; 230227; 544136; 544137; 521076; 521077; 481345; 481346; 429224; 429153; 317201; 317130; 266143; 266075; 466358; 509077; 588885; 2055494; 2064268; 1710028; 1692972; 1185115; 1818186; 1713554; 1708716; 1658696; 1646068; 1412286; 1411220; 4405942; 4409058; 1325858; 1324792; 1314050; 1315362; 1393180; 1429260; 1372844; 1614088; 1794406; 1923884; 3970658; 1974688; 1888166; 1147508; 1142506; 298316; 293560; 1144146; 1139226; 1316756; 1310688; 1021638; 1015570; 836892; 830824; 710694; 704626; 305368; 983016; 972602; 1879358; 1876078; 1932658; 1929378; 1972510; 945788; 936768; 999744; 992610; 966616; 959482; 978916; 977112; 912414; 909380; 904870; 902246; 961204; 958580; 905608; 908970; 908642; 912004; 932258; 955464; 1110444; 1180800; 1156856; 1207532; 760100; 1002264; 958131; 4857106; 4853334; 5878088; 5865460; 5513926; 5501954; 4940336; 4928118; 3063848; 3055074; 2100020; 2091246; 1980710; 1971936; 1016; 1023; 1109; 1182; 1292; 1079; 1075; 1118; 1293; 1290; 743576; 737426; 959400; 952758; 1316920; 622216; 686750; 679288; 1021966; 1021556; 818360; 817376; 770882; 768832; 498314; 496510; 717582; 718320; 610736; 600814; 718238; 719304; 638698; 1057144; 949396; 1152346; 781870; 2544132; 562318; 2312532; 1795350; 3002102; 2991770; 3199804; 3190620; 2055412; 2050246; 2823342; 2809320; 1480100; 1472966; 773670; 766454; 776704; 769570; 1396253; 1610655; 4086812; 4154808; 1161618; 1138141; 1610624; 1794733; 3946264; 4080012; 1135926; 1166951; 1186775; 1198488; 1233230; 1135790; 1155786; 1134025; 1127506; 1106508; 1174037; 1197163; 1210607; 1203738; 1231556; 1137023; 1173311; 1140116; 1166887; 1087039; 2750081; 2710387; 2826459; 2607480; 2660192; 3167045; 2183777; 1669882; 60797; 61014; 61345; 61195; 61177; 120001; 120002; 61292; 61312; 61534; 61379; 61584; 121016; 121012; 117506; 117588; 118326; 123656; 126608; 92100; 109852; 105164; 101434; 107830; 101926; 101598; 109470; 107666; 98646; 93070; 93152; 95530; 105288; 105370; 98892; 98974; 100696; 418282; 451738; 604586; 603848; 697328; 696672; 1022540; 1021146; 1126844; 1149886; 1330122; 1324136; 1243694; 1237708; 1182604; 1178750; 1414336; 1412204; 7228300; 7227808; 1285514; 1283710; 1178094; 1177028; 1257798; 1171534; 1469522; 1482150; 1544306; 2877377; 1210802; 6225412; 1995716; 1992846; 515452; 512582; 1692316; 1689528; 1505684; 1502896; 1374402; 1371532; 978670; 975800; 797614; 794744; 2688042; 2640564; 2906162; 2909524; 3215384; 3218418; 3525590; 98400; 98236; 3539202; 3469502; 93890; 3583974; 94054; 3505500; 176956; 3663350; 176874; 3590944; 3590780; 3561916; 3197918; 3173236; 3243920; 3275080; 3276556; 3269832; 3290660; 3298860; 3633010; 3586024; 3828990; 4213570; 3765112; 3982330; 2884287; 6383772; 8226457; 8594256; 8448542; 8463056; 8229274; 8188028; 7968432; 7163520; 6943924; 4846938; 4781994; 3057944; 2993082; 3143306; 3078444
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Business and Management; Economics; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences