Slovene public opinion survey 2005/1:
Raziskava je del vseevropskega projekta, katerega namen je beleženje družbenih sprememb skozi čas. Tematsko se raziskava osredotoča predvsem na problematiko stališč do dela.... -
Smart Energy Research Lab: Aggregated statistics of energy use in GB gas heat...
Aggregated statistics for accompanying report that describes how gas and electricity use in GB households changed during the heating season of 2022/2023 compared to the previous... -
DNB Household Survey (DHS) | 1993 - present
Since 1993, CentERdata annually collects economic data through a panel that consists of some two thousand households. The purpose of this DNB Household Survey (formerly known as... -
The Association Between Own Unemployment and Violence Victimization Among Fem...
We estimate the association between the unemployment status of young women and the probability that they are subject to violence, using Swedish population register data covering...